Things are happening so fast around here that I am rocking and reeling, and my head is spinning. I can't keep up with everything. I am searching for some documental facts that can be mentioned to IHL members or to others about our deplorable situation. At the present time, these are on my list:
Upwards of about 220 faculty members have left in two years.
A Nursing NCLEX passing rate that might be the USM's lowest in a decade.
A 93% faculty wide no confidence vote last spring.
The first case of SACS probation in Mississippi in modern history.
Are these correct? Are there documentable events that should be added to the list?
Re: Bachelors in Science Nursing. The NCLEX pass rate, the test that accords instant respect, and instant emploment (they rrally hate it when we kill our patientst) was 95 to 98 percent in the (pre-SFT era) 1990's. Ask Shelby for the data (seriously) Since Nursing directly affects (customer?) care (I didn't realize we were selling a product), the local community has even more reason to be upset about current leadership.