Echoing the thread about the COAL dean's cowardness, I am far away from USM (out in the mountains of the west), yet I am AMAZED and STUNNED that the College of Business, of all folks, are leading this fight in the final stages to its ultimate conclusion, hopefully an endgame next week or the following month.
I am not saying CoBers are not with the rest of us, no. I applaud them and I will never ever again say anything about the "conservatives" in their building. Doty is making me rethink some things I have said in the past. The Business School is indeed the true final liberators in this whole thing.
I would have never imagined in a million years. We all thought in the begining, that the CoB would be the crown jewel of SFT. Seems they have been mistreated as bad as, or worse than, anyone else. The unity of purpose by faculty in colleges so diverse as COAL, CoB, COST, CEP, and all the rest brings goose bumps to my skin, and makes me tear up.
I am so proud of all the faculty in ALL the colleges for all their efforts on the behalf of alums like me, who can only look in from the outside from afar.