The Faculty Senate met for almost 3 hours today. Half way through the meeting they went into executive session. When they emerged they passed the following motion unanimously by a vote of 38 –0.
Based on the information available to the Faculty Senate, we wish to express our strong support for the principles of AACSB and SACS accreditations the Dean Harold Doty of the College of Business has championed during the past week (02-04-05 to 02-11-05). We also wish to state unequivocally that we share the concerns Dean Doty has raised in his responses to letters from Provost Jay Grimes.
We want to convey our appreciation to the Board of Trustees for their attention to the Faculty Senate motion requesting the search process for a new president at USM be initiated and for the Board’s keen interest in the controversy this week centering on important accreditation principles and sound practices.
Based on the information available to the Faculty Senate, we wish to express our strong support for the principles of AACSB and SACS accreditations that Dean Harold Doty of the College of Business has championed during the past week (02-04-05 to 02-11-05). We also wish to state unequivocally that we share the concerns Dean Doty has raised in his responses to letters from Provost Jay Grimes.
We want to convey our appreciation to the Board of Trustees for their attention to the Faculty Senate motion requesting the search process for a new president at USM be initiated and for the Board’s keen interest in the controversy this week centering on important accreditation principles and sound practices.
It was the leadership of the college of business faculty when their dean was out of town that caused Shelby Thames to APOLOGIZE for the first time in anyone's memory. This is not about individuals, it is about principles.
quote: Originally posted by: Cheers! "It was the leadership of the college of business faculty when their dean was out of town that caused Shelby Thames to APOLOGIZE for the first time in anyone's memory. This is not about individuals, it is about principles. Godspeed to all of YOU! No Quarter!"
CoB faculty have indeed shown great leadership during this latest crisis. Faculty are now wondering if the issues raised by Dean Doty are just the tip of the iceberg. Has this been going on in other colleges? Do the other deans just lack integrity? At least 3 of the remaining 4 deans are losing respect of the general faculty. We will soon see who live by ethical principles when the rats start leaving the ship.
Some of you who know these gentlemen (hmm, they are all men, aren't they. How interesting.) Anyway, how about a little thumbnail sketch for those of us who don't know some of them. For instance, I know nothing about Gandy or Pierce. Please be as objective as possible.
Pierce is honest but not a fighter. My guess is that if he were forced into a situation where he would have to do something dishonest, he would simply retire. He has my respect. I don't know Fos but from everything I've heard he is a man of integrity but one without tenure or good health and those are very important exceptions.
My impression of Pood (and others know him better than I) is that he has no integrity, he has axes to grind, he deliberately turns departments against each other, and that, in general, he is out of his league as an upper-level administrator. My impression of him is that he is also not a great intellect. I will never forget the notice for the associate dean's job that stated that she had to know how to use a stapler and a staple remover.
quote: Originally posted by: foot soldier "I will never forget the notice for the associate dean's job that stated that she had to know how to use a stapler and a staple remover."
quote: Originally posted by: Whoa there "Whaaaaaaat? You gotta be kidding."
Unfortunately not. It also listed the duties of the job and 10% of it was abiding by university policies. One of my colleagues thought of applying, since he figured 90% of the time would be lots of fun.
foot soldier is absolutely right about Pood. He is no intellect, and he has axes to grind. He will NEVER stand on principle, so don't put any hopes on him.
To Just Faculty: I can't speak for other colleges but I think we may assume that other programs, especiallly those with professional degrees requiring certifications are also at risk with their national accrediting bodies. CoH have programs that certainly are skating on thin ice. Nursing as most of you know by now has perhaps suffered as much as any program on campus and was one of the first to protest (rather loudly) and get silenced rather quickly. Program adminstrators did their very best to communicate the risk of cutting program resources, moving school once again under a College, having GP program running like a separate program, toxic building too small for program, fleeing faculty, too many students, on and on, IHL hasn't been responsive to us, USM adminstration hasn't responded (other than to chastise us and our students, take away promised building for Hattiesburg), we have little to no control or autonomy which violates our accreditation Standards. So yes we are in similar situation, the agencies are peeved, everyone in State "shocked" at situation since USM is still the largest SON, has always been the flagship, but NO one can seem to do anything about it. Everyone just keeps leaving and complaining how "sad" it is and how glad they are that Sister Harkins isn't around to see the tradgedy of her wonderful legacy.
WHat to do? WE do not have anyone like Dody. Our Dean is a good man but he is not able to stand up and do anything like this, he is ill, and ill prepared for the problems of the College. He has maybe been to SON once. Not really involved. Director is barely able to keep head above water, keep classes going, and wonder when the next shoe will drop. And NCLEX board scores keep dropping.
The tip of the iceberg, rose is hanging onto the door, and jack is slipping under the water. Many are mainly just trying to paddle away from the ship avoiding the eventual vacuum when it goes under. After all the humor, all the laughter dies down and all of our anger at the travesty of this wretched two years dsappates, we are left with broken hearts, from what we were. And could have been. And maybe can be again? Who knows, there won't be any of the older faculty left with any instutional history to compare. And with all the flooding of the building which happens on a regular basis, there probably won't even be any archives for recollections.
quote: Originally posted by: foot soldier "My impression of Pood (and others know him better than I) is that he has no integrity, he has axes to grind, he deliberately turns departments against each other, and that, in general, he is out of his league as an upper-level administrator. My impression of him is that he is also not a great intellect. "
Just another day at the office on the second floor of CoAL building:
quote: Originally posted by: foot soldier "My impression of Pood (and others know him better than I) is that he has no integrity, he has axes to grind, he deliberately turns departments against each other, and that, in general, he is out of his league as an upper-level administrator. My impression of him is that he is also not a great intellect. I will never forget the notice for the associate dean's job that stated that she had to know how to use a stapler and a staple remover."
Word on the street was that Pood was not the choice of even that flawed search committee. In fact, he was their last choice. Anyone know if this is true? Then one of the committee chairs capitulated to what Thames wanted--with the word being carried by Easterling.
quote: Originally posted by: rose on the door "After all the humor, all the laughter dies down and all of our anger at the travesty of this wretched two years dsappates, we are left with broken hearts, from what we were. And could have been. And maybe can be again? Who knows, there won't be any of the older faculty left with any instutional history to compare. And with all the flooding of the building which happens on a regular basis, there probably won't even be any archives for recollections. "
This is the tragedy of USM. Even after Thames goes, how long will it take to rebuild these losses? What has happened to nursing is the biggest tragedy of all. That this administration would hurt a program which could do so much good for the state shows their basic lack of humanity.
out of the loop--the only person i know that posts to this message board who was on the search committee was stephen judd. he might respond to your question, but maybe not.
Thank you, foot soldier, it helps so much to know that someone out there has heard our concern. Most days it feels like our voices have been silenced for good. The lack of humanity of this administration is appalling, not just for its blatant disregard for our program and its incredible successes but for so many deliberate acts of disrespect to students and faculty who want nothing more than to serve and function in their professional roles of caregiving. I don't know how long it will take, it can be done, of this I am certain. But rebuilding our nursing program even with strong leadership with a vision of the future and a strong respect for the legacy of the past will have to be done with others, not with me or older senior faculty. For most, it is too late. We will not abandon our beloved College of Nursing, but our energy and investment of the past ten years can most likely not be recaptured, perhaps that is for the best. A new era yet to be defined will emerge, but it needs to happen very, very soon in order to avoid the totol loss of reputation in our State and region.
This next week may be a turning point. I hold out hope that someone out there is listening at IHL. Our pleas and letter, phone calls, have so far been totally ignored. Thanks to you for caring.