quote: Originally posted by: Diogenes "I've never even met Doty, but it does strike me that certain of his qualities cited above as being negatives are precisely those which may be essential in winning a major league pi$$ing match with Thames/Grimes/Malone, particularly the brash and bull-headed features. If I may offer a military analogy which now seems apt, many of the great generals throughout history have been brash, abrasive, condescending, bull-headed...and victorious. Personally I don't give a rat's patootie if Doty is a class-A jerk, so long as he's on the "right" side, which would appear to be the case here, as evidenced by his letter. "
You words ring true, Diogenes, as did those of Jameela, Hortense, and History 101. We simply must not forget that we fight for academic principles. Having a smooth-talking, good looking, charasmatic bulls*#*er in charge would be meaningless unless that person has the right academic values. The academic values expressed in Doty's letter should be our values.