I'm sorry. I didn't see someone already posted this on the second page. I should have known better. Most of you probably knew about the letter before it was even published, right?
I just got an email from someone who used to be subscribed to your little mysterious listserv. It turns out you did not want me or any other faculty to see this post, right? You posted extra messages to have this post kicked off the main page so fewer faculty would see it, right? It is well-known that most faculty won’t go past the main page due to time constraints or because they are probably unaware that there is more than one page. This tactic almost worked for me. In fact, if I had not been having browser problems and had not clicked on the second page by mistake, I would have never seen this original post about the Hattiesburg American article!!
Whenever you take tactics or use methods to keep faculty from seeing the opinions of your dissenters or opponents, it shows that you have insecurities about your mission and your strategy.
quote: Originally posted by: Albert "I just got an email from someone who used to be subscribed to your little mysterious listserv. (What in the hell are you talking about?) It turns out you (Who?) did not want me or any other faculty to see this post, right? (Wrong) You (WHO?) posted extra (What "extra"? Have you seen the papers today?) messages to have this post kicked off the main page so fewer faculty would see it, right? (Wrong) It is well-known (by who, to whom?) that most faculty won’t go past the main page due to time constraints or because they are probably unaware that there is more than one page. (Those silly, old, computer-illiterate faculty) This tactic almost worked for me. (Gosh, are you one of them? I'm sorry.) In fact, if I had not been having browser problems and had not clicked on the second page by mistake, I would have never seen this original post about the Hattiesburg American article!! (Lucky you! Unlucky us?)"
You are delusional. You are talking to yourself.
I thought your Sherlock Holmes act was entertaining. This is just sad.
I am quite puzzled by Albert's post. I have the online HA bookmarked and look at it everyday. As for the message board, it is open to anyone who wishes to post, including Albert him/herself. The idea that this group of crotchety people could be persuaded to work together in some sort of plot is ludicrous. Obviously Albert is new here, or s/he would know that a significant number of posters are not even USM faculty. What garbage.
quote: Originally posted by: Albert "You bunch of fat cats! :) http://www.hattiesburgamerican.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050208/OPINION03/502080331/1014/OPINION"
Just read the letter in the HA. I wonder how long any of these "gentlemen" would put up with someone who knew nothing about their businesses coming in and telling them how to do their equivalent of teaching and what to research. Many of them can't find Mississippi on a map.
Fat cats, my B#%%
And as a PS. Our "esteemed" university president should have been out front from the day he was ordained by the board, defending his employees and educating the general public about what a university is (which he doesn't know) and what professors do (neither). It is a really bad manager who undercuts his establishment. OK, I realise that we are long beyond the evalution of SFT's managerial abilities.