The story of post-tenure review (PTR) has gotten "curiouser and curiouser." When last we left it, University Attorney Lee Gore and Provost Jay Grimes had determined at a meeting with the deans and Bill Powell and me that we did NOT need a stand-alone PTR document. Bill Powell and I objected strenuously, stating that the IHL had requested that all of the universities reporting to IHL were to provide updated PTR documents by early this month. This suggested to Bill and me that the university might be in "hot water" if it did not turn in such a document.
Apparently, the administration did an about-face on this last week. Dr. Grimes, Attorney Gore, and the deans met (Bill and I were not invited) this past Thursday and came up with a PTR policy which was a mutated version of ours. We learned this at a lunch meeting with Dr. Grimes this past Friday; Bill and I were told the "new PTR" policy would be sent that day to the IHL. Bill and I objected so strenuously to the "new" PTR policy that we were given the weekend to work on it. I realize that I could have just said "the heck with it" (or something to that effect) but if I had done so we would have been stuck with a PTR policy which the faculty would have found undesirable.
Consequently, I mustered members of the Executive Committee who were in town and members of the Faculty Senate PTR committee that I could find and we worked on the policy Friday, over the weekend, and Monday. In the end we restored much that was good in the document(but unfortunately not all, due to subsequent negotiations). Final negotiations were done via phone near close of business on Monday. I will send a copy of the PTR policy sent to the IHL on facsen. I will provide further details of all this at this Friday's Faculty Senate meeting (yes, we have a faculty senate meeting this Friday). See you then.
Best wishes, Dave Beckett President, USM Faculty Senate