You guys need to ask around about what happened in the CoB faculty/staff meeting today. A chill will travel up/down your spine when you hear the details.
I just got home and came straight to the board, then I saw this post. I heard two profs talking over a beer. I don't know if they are business profs, but somebody referred to them as "Dr.", so I assumed the rest. What follows is what I overheard/inferred. Imagine this:
Suppose your dean got a letter from the provost of your university. The letter tells the dean what type of research his faculty should be doing. Also, provost says accreditation is not important. Can you fathom that?
quote: Originally posted by: Overheard "Imagine this: Suppose your dean got a letter from the provost of your university. The letter tells the dean what type of research his faculty should be doing."
I hope that what you say does not pertain to USM. If it does, however, the SACS site vistors might as well cancel their airline and lodging reservations. The ballgame would be over.
quote: Originally posted by: listened in "Well the conversation I overheard was a lawyer summarizing the issue with "it is a fundamental battle over the life of a university"."
This is basically all of it in a nutshell. Any lawyer we might have heard of?
quote: Originally posted by: Overheard " What follows is what I overheard/inferred. Imagine this: Suppose your dean got a letter from the provost of your university. The letter tells the dean what type of research his faculty should be doing."
Given that what you heard might be correct, this would clearly be the most serious event at USM since the attempted firing of those two tenured professors.
A letter from Jay Grimes was presented at the end of the meeting. It went from bad to worse. It chastised the CoB for falling behind "William Carey College and the University of Phoenix" in the number of MBAs it is awarding, especially on the Coast. The letter basically stated that the CoB's lack of development of an exMBA program for the Coast was unacceptable.
Here's the worst part. Grimes indicated that it was the administration's desire that all "basic research" endeavors in the CoB basically cease, and that CoB faculty concentrate on assisting businesses in Hattiesburg and local areas. Any remaining time (out of class) should be spent seeking grants/contracts. Grimes essentially stated that all scholarly inquiry in the CoB should be concluded as of now. He used the lack of PhD programs in the college as a basis for his dictate.
There was a general tone to it also that teaching loads in the CoB are about to be the highest at the university.
Several CoB faculty were out tonight (I was); some still are. Three new profs are in JGH (as I type) printing vitae.
The meeting ended at about 3:45, and faculty were all over the place still well after 5.
I was there too. All I can add is that I've been at USM a very long time and when I heard the words I was stunned. Sitting here now in front of this terminal is the closest I've come to tears for this university since all of the problems began two years ago. I am simply at a loss.
quote: Originally posted by: still in shock "A letter from Jay Grimes was presented at the end of the meeting. It went from bad to worse. It chastised the CoB for falling behind "William Carey College and the University of Phoenix" in the number of MBAs it is awarding, especially on the Coast. The letter basically stated that the CoB's lack of development of an exMBA program for the Coast was unacceptable. Here's the worst part. Grimes indicated that it was the administration's desire that all "basic research" endeavors in the CoB basically cease, and that CoB faculty concentrate on assisting businesses in Hattiesburg and local areas. Any remaining time (out of class) should be spent seeking grants/contracts. Grimes essentially stated that all scholarly inquiry in the CoB should be concluded as of now. He used the lack of PhD programs in the college as a basis for his dictate. There was a general tone to it also that teaching loads in the CoB are about to be the highest at the university. Several CoB faculty were out tonight (I was); some still are. Three new profs are in JGH (as I type) printing vitae. The meeting ended at about 3:45, and faculty were all over the place still well after 5. Most are still in disbelief. You had to be there. "
They're telling a whole college --- 1 of the 5 colleges --- to shut down scholarly research. WTF is going on? The athletics boosters are growing loud and the academic side of the institution is fading to black. And Thames "is having more fun than he's ever had in [his] whole life." Conspiracy theory? Hell, this is worse.
I guess someone better hurry up and re-write the tenure and promotion criteria for CoB. SFT is gonna turn the CoB into an ED & Small Business Development Center yet. I would like to hear from some other CoB faculty on this deal. This all makes me wanna go puke.
What the h#ll is going on with Jay Grimes? Does he have one tiny shred of decency or the tiniest sliver of a vertabra left? How could he possibly let himself be made to do this?? He should be ashamed, ashamed, ashamed. This is the point when he should have told SFT to do his own dirty work and walked out the door.
When this is over, Jay Grimes should never be accepted "back" by USM faculty, regardless of what excuses he gives for his behavior as provost. He should be shunned for the rest of his career. It's what he deserves.
Several things came to mind as I heard what Grimes had written. Note that this was conveyed in a written communication, not verbal. One thought was that such a statement would only be sent at the worst bottom dwelling school. There are numerous academic associations in the business disciplines that hold conferences where papers are given and discussed. Many of these associations also sponsor journals that publish research. The journals range from the #1 in the field to several notches below, but almost all have an objective of publishing at least some basic research papers unless they specialize in teaching paradigm articles. ALL business schools that are accredited by AACSB encourage and reward faculty for publishing in these journals. Even those schools that have two directions in their names encourage faculty to publish in these journals.
The second thought was how Grimes would have reacted had a Provost sent such a communication to the Gulf Coast Lab he headed. Imagine a letter telling the faculty at the lab that they should quite publishing basic research and start to publish in Field and Stream. They also should start doing research on how to market shrimp and instruct the local fishmonger on running his market. In addition, they should help Bubba run his bait shop. We know how important the seafood industry is to economic development. At the last Faculty Senate meeting, a comment was made that amateurs were running the university. It appears that it was an under statement. It will take divine intervention to restore and continue SACS accreditation. This goes much deeper than Noel Polk’s toe shooting episode, the administration is aiming for taking off one appendage after another.
Surely alums of the business school can bring some pressure? Or don't/won't they care?
Is there ANY chance at all that this may be the straw that breaks the camel's back? Is there ANY chance at all that SFT & Co. have finally gone too far?
quote: Originally posted by: The Friggin Happiness Fairy "Given that what you heard might be correct, this would clearly be the most serious event at USM since the attempted firing of those two tenured professors. "
Wow! That is amazing. One of the basic reasons for the existence of university is to generate new knowledge. Without that, how are you different from a community college or trade school? I'm sorry for you folks at USM. I always thought USM had a lot of promise.
If available in hard copy, would it be possible for one of the recipients to scan and post or type portions? This is so outrageous that it could be FUD or it could be true.
quote: Originally posted by: Amazed "Was the letter from the Provost read to the faculty or distributed???"
Only a couple of passages were read, and those were passages that contained direct orders from the Provost that the Dean was to impose on the faculty. If you are really interested, the letter from the Provost to the Dean, and the reply letter to which the Dean referred are subject to the Mississippi Public Records Act. Inquiring minds want to know!
The post above is correct. I was there. Faculty and others were "encouraged" to file a FOIA request so the two letters could be "released" more widely. I will also add this: the insinuation was also that Grimes' letter contained some foul, or at least near-foul language, further adding insult to injury.
I was there as well and the description applied to the provost's comments was "terse". It is irresponsible, and exaggeration, to say that there was an implication of foul language.
In fairness, the poster above did qualify his/her post enough to say that the insinuation was possibly that there was near-foul language. When I read the two posts above, I am reminded of posters who feel the need to always say that "not everything that happens under Thames is bad."