How much more of the same? Perhaps if he had READ the SACS documents when they came over TWO YEARS AGO the university would not have been put on probation during his watch. Perhaps if he had read the SACS guidelines after being put on probation he would not have allowed his flunkies to launch additional programs that will almost certainly extend the university's probation into a second year.
18 more months of this dome dementor is 18 months too many.
He doesn't have to retire. He probably has many working years left. He could simply step up into the ranks of the faculty. That doesn't mean retirement.
I am not surprised that Thames refuses to read the Faculty Senate resolution. This is how he has reacted to anything negative from faculty since he became president. Think back to how he essentially refused to read a memo about not being in compliance with SACS two years before we are slapped with probation! His litany of bad decisions and refusal to seek input have been the most consistent aspect of this administration. But now, right in the Hattiesburg American, he shows himself to be the incredibly bad manager that he is.
quote: Originally posted by: Robert Campbell "Thames' refusal to read two paragraphs that are critical of him is now cited in Liberty and Power at Two paragraphs! Robert Campbell"
Robert, maybe SFT is waiting to read the 3-page letter. The Motion is only 2 paragraphs of a letter that list some of the stronger issues of Bill Scarborough's original 19 issues (later revised to 21). I forget how many issues made it to the letter. FS will release the letter after a while to give the IHL a chance to digest it. If you liked the Motion, I'm sure you will be pleased with the letter. I expect the IHL will require SFT to read the letter in order to answer some of their question, which I'm sure they will have for him.
robert--are you really amazed at thames attitude? talk to your social psychology colleagues about reactance theory. (or you may be familiar with it yourself)
Robert Campbell
RE: Breaking News HA/Thames says he WILL NOT RETIRE
I'm not a social psychologist. But from what I can recall of Wicklund's reactance theory, Thames exhibits an unusally high level of reactance.
To put it in terms that I understand better, Thames gives every indication of being a narcissist. A pretty extreme one, in fact. Some theories do a pretty good job of explaining how a narcissist views the world.
All the same, the narcissist's outlook is radically different from nearly anyone else's. That's the amazing part.
Robert Campbell
stinky cheese man
RE: Breaking News HA/Thames says he WILL NOT RETIR
robert--i was unclear. i was thinking more of telling the IHL what they should do. induces reactance. i also think dissonance theory kicks in as well with the board.
Robert Campbell
RE: Breaking News HA/Thames says he WILL NOT RETIRE
I think the point about the Board is better put in everyday English--the Board doesn't like to be told what to do. I'm not sure the apparatus of reactance theory needs to be brought into play.
As for cognitive dissonance, whether Board members are experiencing and trying to resolve cognitive dissonance regarding Thames depends on what they were expecting out of him in the first place. If they believed any of his "world class" rhetoric, there are grounds for dissonance. If they expected him to damage USM, or didn't care whether he did or not, there's little basis for dissonance. And only the individual Board members, speaking much more candidly than they are in the habit of doing, can answer that question.
Robert Campbell
stinky cheese man
RE: Breaking News HA/Thames says he WILL NOT RETIR
so true about the board not liking to be told what to do. telling them to do something may make them less likely to do what they should. dissonance--how can we fire the person we hired? doesn't that mean we made a mistake in the first place? (my editorial opinion--YES)
Robert Campbell
RE: Breaking News HA/Thames says he WILL NOT RETIRE
If the Board hadn't screwed up so royally, there would be no need for anyone else to tell them what to do.
As for "We hired this guy. He's awful. But firing him means admitting he's awful and therefore that we screwed up"--didn't some Board members expect Thames to be awful? Maybe a substantial majority did. We still have missing data on that question.