The American is reporting that the fire-breathing Bill Scarborough brought a motion before the faculty senate to have another vote of no confidence in Thames.
James B. Twitchell, an English professor at the University of Florida with an engaging prose style, has written a book called Branded Nation, which argues that American colleges and universities have become shopping malls rather than intellectual communities. An excerpt from the book appears online in The Wilson Quarterly, and UD quotes from it below (UD thanks one of her readers, Bill, for the link). ...
There are some fine little factoids in Twitchell’s book. Who knew that ye olde University of Southern Mississippi, magic fiefdom of Shelby Thames (12/12/04), is “planning a full-fledged water park”?
Sorry, it's just the editor in me, but I note a small error in MS's online posting. "Even ministers get furloughed," as if that's equal to losing one's job. Furloughs are equivalent to sabbaticals for missionaries, usually a year of R&R (and fundraising) after four years in the field. Ministers get sabbaticals. If the otherwise wonderful Margaret Soltan--whose parody of The Waste Land should still be posted on my office door--reads this message board, perhaps she could make that slight correction.