It was recently made known to many faculty that Thames & Co. were placing an ad on the HR website for a part-time pilot who would be on call for action 24 hours a day.
Which leaves many wondering..............
Why do our administrators suddenly need to be travelling by private air via our own pilot?
Do we have our own plane these days or are we planning to purchase one for some reason?
How does such a luxury expense fit into the "tightening belts" philosophy? We are a university under enormous strains. How does that pilot position benefit the students, who are supposed to be the major focus of our esteemed and delirious leader in the dome?
"Custer had more vision than Thames". I love that. This is yet another example. So many examples, so little Opinion space in the American.
If anyone out there has more details, I am sure the readers would enjoy them.
a public forum since we will pay the pilot's money to fly SFT's rubbery assests around. Time to demand a whole financial accounting and why they choose poor mistakes to supplement earnest solutions.