There is a special called meeting of the Faculty Senate at 2:30 pm Friday, January 28, 2005. The meeting will be in room 123 of Cook Library. (The same room where the no confidence vote was held last year.) Hmmm.
You may have heard that the last FS meeting (1/14) was nearly four hours long. There were many disturbing developments that week, and we voted for a special session to continue our discussion of those developments.
Colleagues, talk to your faculty senator before the special meeting. If you don't know what issues are in play, your senator can tell you. And you should make your feelings/thoughts known to your senator.
Senators, let's be sure we have a strong sense of our constituencies' views.
As these issues become appropriate to be discussed in a public forum, those of us on this board would love a report. (We know, you're really busy, but thanks for whatever information you can provide.)