You all really need to read the article in today's HA about the USM-St Louis game. There are lots of comments from Eustachy detailing how he coached that ballgame. It is absolutely weird, bizarre, twilight zone-esque. The end of the article also details that another player (the second so far) has quit the team. Eustachy's comments on this bit are also a little strange.
Having this guy on campus is going to end badly. I can feel it in my bones.
quote: Originally posted by: Cox Purvis Report "You all really need to read the article in today's HA about the USM-St Louis game. There are lots of comments from Eustachy detailing how he coached that ballgame. It is absolutely weird, bizarre, twilight zone-esque. The end of the article also details that another player (the second so far) has quit the team. Eustachy's comments on this bit are also a little strange. Having this guy on campus is going to end badly. I can feel it in my bones."
Hmmm, do you suppose he could be on the sauce again?
That's got to be the weirdest article I've ever seen regarding a coach and his team. He is basically saying that he knew they would screw up and that he chose not to take a TO to instruct them to do the right things. Plus, his comments sounded very disjointed, like he really was in some sort of altered mental state. That's as bad or worse than the rumor I heard about Ole Miss's new head coach today.
If I were a bartender, I'd be signing up for shifts, 'cause the tips may start rolling in. Maybe we do need that faculty club, after all, even if it's just for administrators and a coach or two.
I just read it. LE all but admits he's a half-ass coach.
Last night on WDAM, Joye Lee McNelis said she had an injured player that would "rip your head off and shove it up your nose." With her back, LM felt they would win more.
These coaching hires SFT is making are looking like lurking danger.