I've been away quite a while. Whatever happened to those lawsuits by former faculty that used to be discussed quite frequently on this and the old Fireshelby board?
All the ones that have named Dana Thames as a defendant are still on. Depositions in one such case will be taken in a little over a week. Another goes to trial in mid-September.
Power is not revealed by striking hard or often, but by striking true. Honore de Balzac
They must be trying to settle everything they can. There was a suit last fall that Gore said the university eventually could have won (might have taken an appeal), but it wasn't worth the trouble. University faculty involved were disappointed.
Yes, that was the one that I had previously heard the most about, but I also knew there were several others pending. I've been at a few different universities over the years, and I just don't remember hearing about so many lawsuits against a school! So I'm just basically interested in the whole picture, rather than one specific case.