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Post Info TOPIC: Gulf Park Library in Jeopardy

RE: Gulf Park Library in Jeopardy
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Would SACS require faculty involvement in a complete academic reorganization of a university?


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There is a program at Stennis, and it sucks...I believe it is still there...I also believe actual MBA enrollment at USM is way down....word is getting out, reputation is dwindling.  Not sure USM is the business school it once was...never will be again likely.  Move it to Albertson's and kiss it goodbye.


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Originally posted by: Will Watson

"The administration, in the trembling, apoplectic person of Jay Grimes, today claimed that this plan was, indeed, thoroughly vetted by the faculty.  "

The library doesn't seem to know about it; the business school doesn't seem to know about it; exactly who does know about " 'the plan', forcefully entitled 'Gulf Park Library 3rd Floor Modifications for the Executive MBA Education and Conference Center (Long Beach, MS: The University of Southern Mississippi: November 2004)' "?

Bad decision, lie, cover-up...repeat the cycle.

We've been here before friends, so often in fact that the territory has become very familiar.

insurgent x

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Exchange below concerning Gulf Park Library circulating on the gc-faculty list. Apparently Dr. Watson has in some way been censored by the administration (!?) Rita Endt's (a USM prof?) charge that Watson and Smith haven't put forward their own alternative to "accomodate this program" is amusing. Like there actually is a program! Like Dr. Watson and Dr. Smith actually had an opportunity to have input into this issue! Endt's got deep brown stains all up her proboscis if you ask me. Anybody know this person?


I would like to respond to Professor Endt's provocations in the space
where they were levelled--the gc-faculty list. Many of her points could be easily
demolished by anyone in possession of the administrations actual 38
page program describing the plans for the library modification. However,
yesterday afternoon Dr. Grimes took steps to effectively forbid me to speak of
this matter in public. Suffice it to say that I have, at my own expense,
made a number of copies of this document and would be glad to share them with
anyone who wishes to analyze them. It needs to be done.

Will Watson, Ph.D.
President CLC
Associate Professor of English

Quoting Rita Endt <>:

> I fully agree with Shahdad's analysis.....28 people in such a large
facility > as the library is not burdening the building that is also
underutilized > today. That was by design.  It was built for expansion so that it
could be > used in many ways.  In our quest to increase enrollment, we have to
engage in > various different strategies to accommodate the lifestyles of a
diverse > population. I think  it is great that someone is going outside the
> traditional 'box' and implementing courses that will fulfill a need
in the > community.  That community is not a geographic location, but the
community of > people who want to learn. Each academic program has requirements for
> admission for their courses.  There are many curriculums that could
be called > 'elite'.
> I commend Ken Malone on helping to implement a course format that
would > possibly draw students from all over the country.  Who would not want
such > national exposure for our university? More of these formats could
greatly > subsidize our other programs. Where is Will and Pat's suggestion on
how to > accommodate this new program, if not in the library? In 'MGT 101',
you learn > to never criticize an idea without posing an alternative. I would
have > thought they would be excited to know that this program is to be
implemented > on the coast and not in Hattiesburg!
> I also, agree with Shahdad's comment about Will using his position
title when > issuing personal opinions.....we went through this a few years ago
when Will > was expressing his own political views and overloading the GC-all
listserv > with his personal politics.
> NOW here is my opinion on coast activities in general (you can stop
reading > if you only wanted to hear about the library)
> Ken has done many things since he has taken the job down here.....I
even have > to say there are some that I do not agree with (which he knows about,
through > my contact with him and not through a listserv!), but there has been
many > positive actions on his part that has made my program expand in
Jackson > county.  I see so much more activity in the Jackson County center,
that I > feel like I really work at a major university. I do not know all the
analysis > behind Ken's decision about the library, but I do put my trust in him
as a > person whose best interest is in building the USM image and services
on the > coast.  That is something that has been lacking in the years prior to
Ken > being assigned to that position.  There are USM banners on Hwy 90 in
Ocean > Springs at the Washington intersection. (I have been wanting to ask
Ken who > got that done!!!) which have never been there before! I am excited
about > working together to increase the prestige of USM and wish we all
would help > in a more constructive way instead of just 'poking people in the eye'
every > time something doesn't seem right.


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Endt is an Engineering Technology Professor:

Bad Ad-itude

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Is Shahdad the business prof rumored to be moving over to economic development or the IDV program?

Academic Freedom?

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Originally posted by: insurgent x

Quoting WW: "However, yesterday afternoon Dr. Grimes took steps to effectively forbid me to speak of this matter in public.  "

Did anyone else get a chill down their spines from reading this?

Class SACS

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Is this discussion important for those concerned about accreditation?  You bet it is.

From the SACS publication "Principles of Accreditation":

Educational Programs

3.4  All educational programs (includes all on-campus, off-campus, and distance learning programs and coursework (See Commission policy "Distance Education.")

3.41 The institution demonstrates that each educational program for which academic credit is awarded (a) is approved by the faculty and the adminisitration, and (b) establishes and evaluates program and learning outcomes.

I will let the Business faculty discuss the AACSB implications of an unapproved "Executive MBA Program" but clearly there is a SACS problem first.


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Originally posted by: insurgent x
" However, yesterday afternoon Dr. Grimes took steps to effectively forbid me to speak of this matter in public."

This is abominable.  Will was brave to speak out, and now this.  USM's administration should be ashamed of themselves.  Too bad the Sun Herald won't cover this story.  Perhaps the H'burg American would?

From Rita Endt's email:

 I see so much more activity in the Jackson County center, that I > feel like I really work at a major university.

<sarcasm>Yes, seeing activity in a satellite campus really makes one think "hey, this is wurl-class institution!" </sarcasm>  What a ridiculous statement!

I do not know all the analysis > behind Ken's decision about the library, but I do put my trust in him as a > person whose best interest is in building the USM image and services on the > coast. 

Would you trust him because of his vast university administrative experience (next to none) or his blind devotion to SFT?  My guess is that there was NO analysis behind the decision about the library...analysis would imply someone looking fairly at all available data and scenarios.

That is something that has been lacking in the years prior to Ken > being assigned to that position.  There are USM banners on Hwy 90 in Ocean > Springs at the Washington intersection. (I have been wanting to ask Ken who > got that done!!!) which have never been there before!

Ooooh...more banners!  So wurl-class!  More money not being spent in the classroom!

I am excited about > working together to increase the prestige of USM and wish we all would help > in a more constructive way instead of just 'poking people in the eye' every > time something doesn't seem right. > > "

So, laying down and letting the "Executive MBA" program take over the library with no input from faculty members is "working together to increase the prestige of USM?"  Or is it simply furthering SFT's goal of more students anytime, anywhere, anyplace?

PS--Will, I am simply outraged at your treatment by Jay Grimes.  You deserve an apology, at the very least.

A banner day

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I was wondering what USM banners were doing in Ocean Springs...

Move 'em to Gautier.


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Quote from Truth4USM:  So, laying down and letting the "Executive MBA" program take over the library with no input from faculty members is "working together to increase the prestige of USM?"  Or is it simply furthering SFT's goal of more students anytime, anywhere, anyplace?

This point needs to be hammered home even before there is discussion of a library renovation. 


The emperor has no clothes and his minion has no executive MBA program.




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Originally posted by: The SCREAM

"  THERE IS NO EXECUTIVE MBA PROGRAM!!! The emperor has no clothes and his minion has no executive MBA program.    "

Then why do they need space?

Ongoing Assault

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Originally posted by: truth4usm/AH

" Then why do they need space? "

Because they want one and they are trying to do another end run around the faculty by ignoring the principles of shared governance.  This is one of the major problems with putting non-academics in academic administration positions. They don't understand, respect, or abide by the principles that run universities.  

Business One

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"Build It and They will come" is the mindset of the ST & KM leadership, not the mindset of the CoB faculty.   AACSB will probably have the CoB on probation over these decisions that have not involved the CoB faculty.  Many believe there are benefits to becoming MSU at Hattiesburg.  One simply has to compare the MSU business college to USM's continual turmoil to determine AACSB compliance in terms of planning and continual improvements.  AACSB reaccreditation is tied to the SACs issue.

Business One (waiting to pick out a new office at Albertson's)


Let Freedom Ring

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Originally posted by: insurgent x

" However, yesterday afternoon Dr. Grimes took steps to effectively forbid me to speak of this matter in public. "


I'm with Truth, this is just chilling...........and so surreal.........

When the book comes out, no one will believe it's not fiction with all the intrigue, cloak & dagger, and - frankly - pure evil.




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More details:

Grimes sent a reprimand letter to Watson and Prof. Pat Smith (History on the coast) telling them to be quiet about the library plans and to stop putting the Administration in a bad light (not an exact quote).  Today's FS meeting ought to be interesting as Smith is in FS.  To say this is chilling is beside the point - Glamser & Stringer was chilling - this is further confirmation of the neo-fascist boot camp that we all now work under.


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Will and Pat,

You are brave and courageous people - you remind me of the former colleagues (yourselves included) who I used to work alongside in all the Colleges that used to be. I wish that this included most of my immediate colleagues a distance across from the PIKE house (outside a very few in my inept dept.- they're either gone [in many senses] or going when the time is right (which appears to be NOW).

Fight the good fight.

NO QUARTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Academic Freedom

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Originally posted by: Angeline

"More details: Grimes sent a reprimand letter to Watson and Prof. Pat Smith (History on the coast) telling them to be quiet about the library plans and to stop putting the Administration in a bad light (not an exact quote).  Today's FS meeting ought to be interesting as Smith is in FS.  To say this is chilling is beside the point - Glamser & Stringer was chilling - this is further confirmation of the neo-fascist boot camp that we all now work under."

If this is true about the reprimand letter(s), then this may be another actionable offense by the administration.  Speaking out on issues of public policy is not simply an issue of academic freedom, it is a protected right First Amendment Right.  I

Not Uppity

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Originally posted by: Academic Freedom

"If this is true about the reprimand letter(s), then this may be another actionable offense by the administration.  Speaking out on issues of public policy is not simply an issue of academic freedom, it is a protected right First Amendment Right.  I"

You haven't been in Mississippi very long, eh?


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All of this was discussed at today's Faculty Senate meeting. The meeting ran from 2 pm to nearly 6 pm and only managed to cover half the agenda.  The Senate voted to have a Special Meeting in the next week or two.  Issues discussed in this thread were only one of the major problems discussedMany Senators expressed that they were totally fed up with this administration.

True Colors

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What free speech!… What free speech?… What? Free speech?…What free speech……What…free speech?…..What? Free speech….What, free speech?……

When? Where?


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Originally posted by: Angeline

"More details:
Grimes sent a reprimand letter to Watson and Prof. Pat Smith (History on the coast) telling them to be quiet about the library plans and to stop putting the Administration in a bad light (not an exact quote).  Today's FS meeting ought to be interesting as Smith is in FS.  To say this is chilling is beside the point - Glamser & Stringer was chilling - this is further confirmation of the neo-fascist boot camp that we all now work under.

Okay, AAUP-USM was supposed to bring in national AAUP. When are they coming? We need reinforcements!!!

Dr. Goebbels, I suspect you and your associate are getting a hefty raise this year. Your plans for stifling all free speech at USM appear to be working.

foot soldier

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Originally posted by: Let Freedom Ring

When the book comes out, no one will believe it's not fiction with all the intrigue, cloak & dagger, and - frankly - pure evil.

Absolutely. Does every single administrator at USM have no shame? Do any of them go to church? Do they ever wonder if they are doing the right thing? Do they ever consider that this is not how one should treat people? I keep hoping and praying one of them will have one of those Paul on the road to Damascus experiences, but it obviously hasn't happened yet.

It's time for a paraphrase of Frank Glamser's favorite poem:

First they came for Frank and Gary,
and I did nothing because I was not in CoAL.
Then they came for Diane Stephenson,
and I did nothing because I don't work on the coast.
Then they came for Will Watson,
and I did nothing, because my research is in a lab, not a library. . . . .

Remember, they will come for you eventually, and there will be nobody left to help you.


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Originally posted by: Not Uppity


You haven't been in Mississippi very long, eh?

And get your ass out of the state as quickly as possble. The state is 50th in everything for a reason--its people are ignorant beyond belief.

Lou "The Toe" Groza

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Originally posted by: Academic Freedom

"If this is true about the reprimand letter(s), then this may be another actionable offense by the administration.  Speaking out on issues of public policy is not simply an issue of academic freedom, it is a protected right First Amendment Right.  I"

...worth another look.


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We've got to keep this alive, folks...when is the Special Meeting of the Faculty Senate?  And will they alert the media and have them present?

stephen judd

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Originally posted by: truth4usm/AH

"We've got to keep this alive, folks...when is the Special Meeting of the Faculty Senate?  And will they alert the media and have them present?"

David Beckett will set the meeting time. I'd advise discretion at this point about the media and about the application of pressure on the Senate. The Senate that is meetng now is not the same Senate that met last year. It is taking time for Senators (especially new ones) to get their bearings vis a vis the administration. We have not had (up to this point) the kind of inciting event we have had with Gary and Frank which was almost instantly galvanizing. The things that are happening currently need a bit more time to p[lay out in people's minds before they will be moved to act decisively, if any action is called for. It is better if the Senate can move in near unanaimity on whatever recommendations and/motions it might put forward.


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Originally posted by: stephen judd

"David Beckett will set the meeting time. I'd advise discretion at this point about the media and about the application of pressure on the Senate. The Senate that is meetng now is not the same Senate that met last year. It is taking time for Senators (especially new ones) to get their bearings vis a vis the administration. We have not had (up to this point) the kind of inciting event we have had with Gary and Frank which was almost instantly galvanizing. The things that are happening currently need a bit more time to p[lay out in people's minds before they will be moved to act decisively, if any action is called for. It is better if the Senate can move in near unanaimity on whatever recommendations and/motions it might put forward. "

Stephen, points well taken.  It would just be a shame for this to be one more issue swept under the rug...

stephen judd

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yes . . . it would.


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Originally posted by: truth4usm/AH

"Stephen, points well taken.  It would just be a shame for this to be one more issue swept under the rug..."

Stephen does make some important points.

But why should we think this won't be swept under the rug? The board ignored the Faculty Senate last spring -- why should this be different?

I suspect that autocratic -- "management vs labor" -- administration is what the majority of the politically appointed yahoos on the IHL board understand & admire. They like the idea of a "tough" manager telling the "lazy" workers what to do, when to do it & who to credit when the job is done.

As far as freedom of speech -- what's the big deal? In the minds (such as they are) of board members, you sacrificed your right to criticize management the minute you signed the contract, just as their employees sacrificed their right to call the boss an a$$hole the minute they were hired.

Go to the private sector. Criticize the boss. Count the minutes it takes to get to the employment security commission office. That's how YOUR trustees think.

It's not funny but it's how it is when there are no qualifications to serve on the IHL board except one's ability to make a fat campaign contribution to the guy who wins an election. No, it's not funny at all.

But Jay Grimes as the "tough" manager is kinda humorous...

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