quote: Originally posted by: truth4usm/AH "Does anyone have the details as to why he would do this? This is a great loss to the History Dept. and to USM."
I heard from a VERY reliable secondhand source today as to some of his rationale. But, I don't think it is my place (or really anyone else's) to answer this question other than the man himself. I hope he will do so. But, we all know that people must make decisions in their own best interests and sometimes that means keeping your own counsel. I respect whatever decision Dr. O'Neil makes regarding disclosure of his reasons.
This isn't meant as a statement that you would do otherwise, AH. Knowing your posts from the past, I'm pretty confident you'd join me in the sentiment.
quote: Originally posted by: David Johnson " I heard from a VERY reliable secondhand source today as to some of his rationale. But, I don't think it is my place (or really anyone else's) to answer this question other than the man himself. I hope he will do so. But, we all know that people must make decisions in their own best interests and sometimes that means keeping your own counsel. I respect whatever decision Dr. O'Neil makes regarding disclosure of his reasons. This isn't meant as a statement that you would do otherwise, AH. Knowing your posts from the past, I'm pretty confident you'd join me in the sentiment."
You're right...I didn't mean for anyone to break confidences. I was just wondering if there was any official word from Dr. O'Neil himself as to why the sudden departure. And does anyone know where he is going (CA?)?
quote: Originally posted by: Anon E. Muss "Gerald Mattson departs today. Taking up new duties this month at University of Central Florida."
Gerry is one of the good guys. He really cares about general education and academic standards, and he was a major contributor in the service area (Faculty Senate, Academic Council, etc.). He will be missed
You're right that Gerry was one of the good guys. What's going to happen now that Forensic Sciences (one of the "premier programs" listed in the mission statement) is down to one person, and he is an instructor? They just got IHL approval for a bachelors and masters degree.
Does the IHL Board scrutinize requests for degree programs at all?
This isn't the first time that someone on the board has mentioned a USM degree program that apparently needed just the president's approval.
Although Clemson isn't under a System Board of Trustees, all institutions in the SC state system have to submit new degree programs to the Commission on Higher Education, which demands a pile of documentation, takes a year to approve anything, and often turns new programs down.
I find this all very strange, as everyone's contract is with the IHL, everyone's foreign travel has to be approved by the Board, and on, and on.
I have been told by very reliable sources over in COST that Forensic Sciences has had ads out last year and this year to hire another professor, but that they didn't get even one viable application either time.
quote: Originally posted by: Wudja Believe "I have been told by very reliable sources over in COST that Forensic Sciences has had ads out last year and this year to hire another professor, but that they didn't get even one viable application either time. "
Wasn't Forensic Sciences suppose to move into Criminal Justice? Wasn't that the reason C.J. was moved into CoST? I don't know, but maybe G.M. was being asked to move into C. J. This is just my speculation. I need to ask him before he leaves.
quote: Originally posted by: Anon E. Muss "Gerald Mattson departs today. Taking up new duties this month at University of Central Florida."
The large number of faculty departures from USM is striking, but the large numbers of departures at mid-year is even more striking. This leads me to believe that only only do your faculty members want to get out - they want to get out fast! A strange and most unusual place indeed. Very much like a race horse who jumps the start gate, or a football player who steps offsides. Eager beavers to say the least.