My last comment was unclear. I meant that the topic of Dr. Kimmel's dissertation was interesting and probably worthwhile, but I didn't see how her topic related to economic development; it sounds like a poli sci topic. Sorry for any confusion.
Doesen't the job announcement for the new Ph.D.'s in International Development (Econ Dev)say Department of Political Science at USM? Is this where the position would hold tenure and promotion status? This is weird.
With regard to the makeup of the dissertation committee - attached is the policy for such committees at another MS university (not a 4th tier, BTW). But, then again they may not be "wurl class". Bolded emphasis is mine.
From the OleMiss web -
Thesis committees of the University of Mississippi must consist of at least three faculty from the discipline in which the degree is sought; each must be a member, Associate or Full, of the Graduate Faculty.
Dissertation committees of the University of Mississippi must consist of at least three faculty from the discipline in which the degree is sought, plus one member external to the discipline; each must be a member, Associate or Full, of the Graduate Faculty, but the Chair must be a Full member or have received the special and specific consent of the Graduate Council.
Members of thesis and dissertation committees, as described above, may continue their involvement with those committees after leaving the University; Chairs of thesis and dissertation committees who leave the University may serve as Co-Chairs.
Only appointed members of thesis and dissertation committees may be identified on the signature page even if they cannot be present at the thesis or dissertation defense.
Auxiliary members of thesis and dissertation committees who are not members of the University of Mississippi faculty may be appointed to committees as non-voting members but may not be identified on the signature page.
The new website highlights Patti Phillips who received her IDV PhD. Isn't she the one, who along with her husband, just gave $1.1 million to economic development? Maybe that's what funded the new ads. Then again, wasn't that really an insurance policy gift with only a relatively small cash value? Anyway, wasn't that supposed to go to the workforce training group, under Dr. Gaudet, and isn't group now in COST? Yet, isn't Dr. Gaudet's photo included as a faculty member in the IDV program that is now in COAL? I'm so confused...does any of this matter to the current SACS crisis?
not to defend what goes on in the ID program, but if its interdisciplinary, then how do you determine whether someone is qualified or not? i ask this somewhat rhetorically. i think you can do it. i would look, for example, at methodological competence--if it is a quantitative dissertation (like the one pointed to) then you need to have people familiar, if not comfortable, with the methodology.
quote: Originally posted by: Tommy R " Well, if I am supposed to be confused and I am confused then I guess we have a positive learning outcome! Btw, I love it when you call me "Sugar". "
(Are you single and fairly old? Cute is not necessary, but you should at least have teeth. When the university goes belly-up, the board can just segue into a dating service for unemployed academics.)
To get back to serious stuff, and the original topic of this thread, I hope someone has alerted the media to the stunning expenditure for the ad. I saw Phil Bryant handing SFT a check for $5000 for a scholarship, on the news tonight. This latest outrage surely should be on the news or in the paper.
quote: Originally posted by: info "ALLIED ACADEMIES NEWS Number 12, Spring 2003
...Distinguished Research Awards ...Academy of Culture, Communications and Conflict
Gender as a Predictor of Interpersonal Power in Political Office Sara Beth Kimmel, Mississippi Treasury Department Amy Lane Chasteen Miller, The University of Southern Mississippi David Butler, The University of Southern Mississippi M. Ray Grubbs, Millsaps College Shirley Olson, Olson Consulting Group Ray Phelps, Millsaps College Maureen Ryan, The University of Southern Mississippi Elizabeth Semko, Jackson State University ... "
At last! Dr. Kimmel can explain to me (through her extensive research) how in the world Angie Dvorak has managed to stay afloat when she lies through her teeth.
quote: Originally posted by: info Gender as a Predictor of Interpersonal Power in Political Office Sara Beth Kimmel, Mississippi Treasury Department Amy Lane Chasteen Miller, The University of Southern Mississippi David Butler, The University of Southern Mississippi M. Ray Grubbs, Millsaps College Shirley Olson, Olson Consulting Group Ray Phelps, Millsaps College Maureen Ryan, The University of Southern Mississippi Elizabeth Semko, Jackson State University ... " I am confused. I must be missing something. Is this a USM dissertation committee? It appears to comprised of eight members, only three of which (37.5%) from USM. That couldn't be right. Could somebody set me straight? I am sure that couldn't be right because it would mean that the dissertation quality would be controlled by non- university personnel. Somebody please help me understand what this list means.
it is an unusual dissertation committee. off-campus people can serve, as i understand it, as associate members of the graduate faculty. whether they can vote is unclear to me. university policy is that at least 3 (typically of a total of 5) must be from USM and have the appropriate graduate faculty status. that is done to ensure that the university has a majority of the people on the committee.
i think it depends on how many are voting members. i would object to such a committee if i were serving. in fact, a student has a cause for concern. if an off-campus member doesn't read materials in a timely manner or the like, the university has no control over them.
i don't think they were at USM when the dissertation was started. i'm as much puzzled whether some members were comfortable with or competent to understand the nature of the research and its methodology. it's one thing to call a program interdisciplinary--it's another to have people who aren't competent in the area serve on a committee.
quote: Originally posted by: stinky cheese man "i think it depends on how many are voting members. i would object to such a committee if i were serving. in fact, a student has a cause for concern. if an off-campus member doesn't read materials in a timely manner or the like, the university has no control over them. "
Won't this be the sort of thing SACS will be examining?
SACS won't really care. they will take the position that the university has to decide what it wants to do about the issue.
on a side note but related to graduate education, SACS will care about the infamous 400/500 levels courses at USM. these are the courses that have both undergrads and grad students in them. better make sure the students taking the graduate portion have a significantly different learning experience than those in the undergrad portion. simply assigning a longer research paper for grad students won't cut it. lots of universities are getting "dinged" on this one--SACS spent an extra day or two at Wake Forest University to deal with this issue.