quote: Originally posted by: educator "I've always considered psychology to be a premier program at USM. "
Thank you Ark Educator. However, like many programs at USM, we have used the words/phrases "premier" and "centers of excellence" and "world class" when the data do not support the use of these terms. Psychology, based on NRC and other rankings (one could argue about the validity of ranking systems of course) was, compared to programs at other institutions, okay but not what I'd call "premier." We had some solid people now retired (e.g., GJ; CN; JH), and some not so solid (xx; xx; xx). In recent years we have made some superb hires at the junior ranks--and our national reputation is now "up and coming." But not yet premier. But up and coming aint bad-and best of all it's an honest appraisal.
quote: Originally posted by: Maggie's Farm "But up and coming aint bad-and best of all it's an honest appraisal. "
Mr. Wonderful, this may not seem profound at first glance but it is THE best articulation of what so many USM programs are trying to do against seemingly insurmountable odds. I'm calling in some favors here...
quote: Originally posted by: Mal "Mr. Wonderful, this may not seem profound at first glance but it is THE best articulation of what so many USM programs are trying to do against seemingly insurmountable odds. I'm calling in some favors here..."
I can't tell you how many times I've been described as "not profound at first glance." Or second, or third.
quote: Originally posted by: Mal "Mr. Wonderful, this may not seem profound at first glance but it is THE best articulation of what so many USM programs are trying to do against seemingly insurmountable odds. I'm calling in some favors here..."
A majority of the selection committee has not yet returned from their extended holiday excursions. Your nomination will be passed along to them just as soon as they are back home at their respective locations.
Another excerpt from the strategic plan submitted to the IHL in Summer, 2004 - this one from the Gulf Coast version under the heading "Institutional Support":
Develop and implement a customer service process and focus that allows Gulf Coast administrators, faculty and staff to service their customers and accomodate local circumstances.
Coordinate all development efforts relative to the Gulf Coast with the total Southern Miss vision and strategy and ensure that all marketing, public relations, and identity programs clearly reflect that unifying ocncept.
quote: Originally posted by: NAPM "Another excerpt from the strategic plan submitted to the IHL in Summer, 2004 - this one from the Gulf Coast version under the heading "Institutional Support":
Develop and implement a customer service process and focus that allows Gulf Coast administrators, faculty and staff to service their customers and accomodate local circumstances. Coordinate all development efforts relative to the Gulf Coast with the total Southern Miss vision and strategy and ensure that all marketing, public relations, and identity programs clearly reflect that unifying ocncept. "
Would SACS have a problem with referring to students as customers?