quote: Originally posted by: Troll Trainer "This troll (TheMan) may be untrainable. He has made a puddle in the middle of the rug again. "
Now, now. Let's not be too hard on TheBoy. I absolutely love having my little Republican grandmother self described as a leftist hippie!! TheBoy doesn't understand that one of the functions of education is to enable one to both write and to grasp "undertones" -- Mr. Ramsey's letter was objectionable on many levels, but at least he has some ability at rhetoric.
Albert says, "I am reposting some things from previous pages in case they were missed by those trying to form an objective opinion about Thames and the faculty and because steps are usually taken to keep people from seeing items like the one above. Also, RC and probably the webmaster, have taken it upon themselves to tell people that items like this are coming from just one person: ME!"
Albert, you forgot to quote the people who you claim say this. Also you forgot that your link doesn't prove you didn't write the article because no one knows who you are. Finally, are you familiar with a poster named Seeker?
The following was posted on another thread, and relates to the suggestion Jameela is making. A concerted effort is needed to involve those people in town who are sitting on their hands while their faculty "friends" are being hammered by the likes of this Ramsay guy. If it takes printing out a letter like Ramsay's and handing it to your townie friend and saying, "Help me on this! Write a letter in my favor!" so be it. There's no reason those who know us and take our money and pray beside us in church shouldn't come to our aid here.
"I'm waiting to see whether anybody other than regular faculty members--those supposedly "good, decent" townies who take faculty members' money in their places of business, sit beside them in church, joke with them at civic club meetings, sell them insurance and burial plots, and treat their wounds and heal their diseases--will have the simple decency for once to reply to this letter and object to having their clients and "friends" compared to "inmates." Your biggest obstacle to winning the battle is now and always has been the culpable passivity of the vast majority of "good" people in Hattiesburg. During this entire sordid saga, when Shelboo was ambushing the deans, humiliating G&S, insulting the faculty senate, and trashing every principle of decency and academic integrity there was, have you ever seen ONE letter from a priest or pastor or doctor (Dr. Hartwig excepted) or banker protesting that his/ her parishioners or patients or clients or customers were not incompetents or criminals or in any way deserving of the stupid and brutal treatment to which they had been subjected? When you think about this deafening silence, you have to conclude that Hattiesburg doesn't deserve a good university."