Once upon a time, a certain nome tried to those who criticized his authority. He said they used the & inappropriately, and changed the on their office doors. He accused them of not being red-blooded males. But the are turning. The are starting to put the together & follow the . We hope that the nome packs his soon, that prevails & that everyone can get their minds back to soon.
(Thanx to Slashdot for the purloined icons... To find out about the footprint icon & see the Linux desktop to avoid, click here. And don't be confused when they call Gnome "stable" -- KDE rulez!)
quote: Originally posted by: Robert Campbell "TheMan is the troll that Miles Long was complaining about. RC"
Quite a few trolls have passed through the message board - but TheMan seems to be qualititively different - less sophisticated, totally uninformed, posts messages contianing irrelevant trivia. TheMan hopped from thread-to-thread the other night, posting inarticulate and cryptic messages. At least Seeker knew the issues and seemed to be informed about other matters. TheMan's postings are rather odd. Maybe TheMan is not a Troll. Maybe TheMan is no more than a Devil's Advocate pretending to be not very swift.
quote: Originally posted by: Troll Zapper "Quite a few trolls have passed through the message board - but TheMan seems to be qualititively different - less sophisticated, totally uninformed, posts messages contianing irrelevant trivia. TheMan hopped from thread-to-thread the other night, posting inarticulate and cryptic messages. At least Seeker knew the issues and seemed to be informed about other matters. TheMan's postings are rather odd. Maybe TheMan is not a Troll. Maybe TheMan is no more than a Devil's Advocate pretending to be not very swift."
quote: Originally posted by: Patti ". . . Invictus, For what its worth, that was cute, and for the life of me, I can't remember who used to do all of the graphics, but they would be proud."
Patti, I think you might be referring to me . I have been known to sprinkle emoticons throughout my posts . Invictus, you , on!
Hey, "TheMan" at least knew that "/." is the correct abbreviation for "slashdot". Of course, Slashdot has it's own way to deal with trolls -- a self-moderation system.
TheMan: Wouldn't dream of burning a cross in SFT's yard, since #1 it's state property & #2 cross burning is something SFT supporters would be more prone to do.
quote: Originally posted by: Invictus ". . . cross burning is something SFT supporters would be more prone to do. "
Which is the very reason it occurred to him as a form of protest.
C'mon guys, be kind; there are not so many arrows in that quiver, if you know what I mean.
BTW, although I almost always disagree with Seeker, I don't view him as a troll. As a rule, trolls are uniformly uninformed, prefering simple ad hominem attacks on the faculty and other posters. Seeker is if full of information and sometimes some of it is even correct. He seems to be an equal opportunity critic, calling both for the departure of Thames as well as certain faculty whom he purportedly once identified but now declines to mention by name. Who knows, maybe with the exodus, they are all already gone.
I just happened to disagree with his particular ugliness about Susan Malone who is a superior professor. She is methodical, accurate, and caring. When Seeker mentioned her, I really couldn't believe that anyone could find her to be subpar in any way.
Mercer is a better place with Fleming, Martray, and Malone.
quote: Originally posted by: ram "BTW, although I almost always disagree with Seeker, I don't view him as a troll."
I don't view Seeker as a troll, either. Seeker's a contrarian of the first order & as ram put it, "an equal opportunity critic," but shares the same overarching goal as most folks here.
Seeker may not be a troll per se, but anyone that has ever referred to Frank and Gary as "the dregs" will never get an ounce of respect from me, regardless of which "side" he's on. Like Seeker, I imagine that "TheMan" is another disgruntled student that got a bad grade from one of the professors that has publicly voiced their opinion at some point throughout all of the Shelby fiascos....
quote: Originally posted by: The Rock "Like Seeker, I imagine that "TheMan" is another disgruntled student that got a bad grade from one of the professors that has publicly voiced their opinion at some point throughout all of the Shelby fiascos...."
I think this is probably a valid analysis. Seeker, though, appears possibly to have some area in which he might actually have been academically successful. I don't think that's the case for TheMan.
I still haven't figured that axe-grinding thing out. I could talk all night about the great profs I had at USM (and some great admins, too, who helped me out). But quite honestly, I can't remember the names of very many of the bad profs I had. There weren't many & they made no lasting impression on me. But I guess other folks' mileages differ...