Okay, after 12 hours of sleep (finishing some edits on a book about - ironically enough - NCATE), I am sorry if I overreacted to both of your posts Charles and Mitch, but it really burns me to see Martray's role in the 1998 NCATE process somewhat diminished. Do I think we would have achieved NCATE accreditation without Martray's assistance? Actually the odds could be saying that we wouldn't have. Martray had a huge hand in what went into that Institutional Report - he revised a lot of that report. As the head of the PEC unit, Carl was pivotal in his role as head of the Unit. He believed in shared governance and practiced it. Bruce Holliman was a great interim dean, but Carl's background really made him the practical choice. Mitch and Charles, you all are great in your fields but one can only wear so many hats and be considered competent in certain areas. I am not questioning your competencies - but I am telling you that no one wants to see NCATE go smoothly at USM more than me but let's not be lulled into thinking that a few people can fix this mess and it's important to remember that many of the people who played a huge role in the last NCATE scare are gone and very few of them have been replaced. Joe Olmi is a natural asset to the process, and I'm sure people are very aware of the fact that he's got the know-how to help clean this current mess up. And by saying that Pierce is no Martray, I'm really not belittling Pierce (though I sure sound like it when I read back what I said). Martray is no Pierce either. Neither one of them share much of a background. Martray came from a psychology background, but he recognized the NCATE needs. Plus, (I'll shut up after this) if S. Thames entrusts someone to take care of NCATE - given his recent poor decisions with handing important matters over to others to take care of - I'd be a little leery of who is in charge with this important accreditation. Mitch, Charles - again my apologies. I really wasn't attacking you, I guess I'm just attacking the mess.
Well these 3 pages of post were an interesting read, but I will give Kudos to all who were involved in the discussion. Emma, you looked like you were about to be the playground bully - but you redeemed yourself in your last post. Obviously, you have some really close ties to NCATE, and your frustration was clear I think, in part, because you want to see it work at USM, and you are hoping that NCATE doesn't get SAC'd. Joe, you're one of the originals and you've done a great job. Mitch, you stand out there - one of the few CEPers to do so, and I think that is admirable - it shows you care. Charles - heck you are a first rate professional. Always have been and always will be. And stinky cheese man - Carl Martray deserves the major credit for saving USM from losing a teacher ed program. Frankly, from my vantage point, that besides some of the usual suspects such as Holliman, Scott, Miller, Luce, Walker, Olmi, and the divine Dr. M (Whiting) - many of the people who pulled USM out of the NCATE fiasco represented other teacher ed areas - can't name them all, but I remember most prominently Emory Howell, Susan Ross, Rosalina Hairston, Oraccio Cicarelli, SUSAN MALONE (another divine Dr. M), and I'm sure there are others. You're darn toot'n that Olmi did some major push-ups on that PEC (and apparently still does). He knows of what he speaks.
quote: Originally posted by: Honey West "I'd love to go back to dreaming about who we can get to be the interim prez."
Would Steve Doblin consider it? I don't know alot about him, but I do know that he always paid attention to details. No way would potential SACS probation get by him.
Steve Doblin would make a good president; considering that any really qualified person would run (not walk) away from applying for the presidency of USM considering our SACS and NCATE plight (not to mention our financial problems), it would need to be someone with ties to the community. Steve might be just the right person. I'd line up behind him in an instant....
quote: Originally posted by: 1/USMTTT "Steve Doblin would make a good president; considering that any really qualified person would run (not walk) away from applying for the presidency of USM considering our SACS and NCATE plight (not to mention our financial problems), it would need to be someone with ties to the community. Steve might be just the right person. I'd line up behind him in an instant.... "
Dr. Doblin was top notch. But would the IHL board and locals accept someone of the Jewish faith to head the university? If yes, mazel tov to the people of Mississippi.
quote: Originally posted by: Mitch "Dr. Doblin was top notch. But would the IHL board and locals accept someone of the Jewish faith to head the university? If yes, mazel tov to the people of Mississippi. "
It shouldn't even be an issue, but we all know it would be. Someone on the coast asked one of the last Presidential finalists if she was a Christian.
Maybe if that question is asked of Dr.Noblin, he will say that he is of the same faith as the Nazarene Carpenter, Yeshua ben-Joseph, also known as Jesus the Christ. That ought to confuse anybody stupid enough to ask in the first place.
quote: Originally posted by: Mitch "But would the IHL board and locals accept someone of the Jewish faith to head the university?
Mitch - the people of Mississippi would have no problem with someone of the Jewish faith being USM president or, for that matter, governor of the state. The anti- semetic attitude is more of a Northern thing. When I was a kid growing up in Mississippi we viewed Judism as a religious denomination - like Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, etc. You might be surprised how many members of the Jewish faith became prominent in Mississippi politics. I am Baptist, but my #1 choice for president in most recent election was Joe Lieberman. The only reason I knew Lieberman was Jewish is that I read it in the New York Times. I can't think of a better prospect for USM president that Steve Doblin. It'd be great if he were named permanent president, not just interim.
quote: Originally posted by: Honey West "I'd love to go back to dreaming about who we can get to be the interim prez."
Allow me to resurrect my earlier idea of an intra-Mississippi university presidents' exchange program. I say bring Bobby Khayat to Hattiesburg...and send Shelboo, Dana, and Lisa packing to Ole Miss. Any bets on how long they'd last?