You jest, but this is so Enronesque that it isn't funny. Enron was brought down by men who were notorious for having affairs with their secretaries, were only interested in lining their own pockets while not caring about what was best for the corporation and consistently lied with such aplomb that they were the darling of Wall Street. The big question in the press is whether Ken Lay knew what his minions were up to? Who cares? It doesn't matter because he is responsible because he put the Andy Faustows and Jeff Skillings into positions of authority and everything cratered while on his watch. Sound familiar? And the real tragedy is that these men are still very wealthy in spite of their enormous legal bills while the men and women who were not responsible were left with nothing except a useless resume. Still sound familiar?
On the other hand, a little levity is always a great way to make it through bad times. Thanks for the giggle.