Reliable sources inform me that USM President Shelby Thames is now imploring Dr. Angie Dvorak, former President of Ashland Community and Technical College and until recently Vice President for Research and Economic Development at the University of Southern Mississippi, to serve as an unpaid special consultant to the president for the duration of the recently announced SACS probation. Dr. Dvorak would advise and assist Thames in his efforts to have USM removed from probationary status. Dr. Dvorak is said to be seriously considering his plea, as it would allow her to regain stature and credibility among university faculty members, as well as provide favorable publicity for her husband Mark, who maintains a struggling Hattiesburg law practice with former USM Risk Manager John "Jack" Hanbury. Thames is said to covet Dvorak's assistance, as she claims substantial experience with the labyrinthian SACS regulatory and accreditation requirements, expertise not possessed by Thames or any of his present assistants. Dvorak has not dismissed the idea out of hand. This is precisely the type high profile role she covets. If successful, she is said to believe her intervention would repair the damage to her reputation sustained earlier in the year, when some USM faculty members questioned the legitimacy of her academic credentials. Story still developing........
Angie would be nuts to come anywhere near the campus again. It's hard enough right now for faculty to trust the efforts SFT and Co. Confidence would go further into the toilet if one of our supposed "rescuers" turned out to be Angie. I don't think IHL would stand for it either, after the recent disasters.
Follow-up: This is a brilliantly diabolical plan, moreso than originally thought. In the event that Dr. Dvorak responds affirmatively to Dr. Thames' entreaty, a formal announcement of her consultancy will be made after USM adjourns for the holidays. Thames (Mader?) feels that timing the announcement thusly will diffuse any negative reaction from faculty members. This appears to be a win-win situation for Dvorak. If she selfessly accepts this pro-bono assignment and probation is ultimately lifted she can claim credit for saving the university, and both she and Thames are vindicated. If there are insurmountable problems with accreditation and probation is extended, well, at least she tried, and at considerable personal sacrifice. Moreover, by serving as an unofficial consultant, and without compensation, it is believed by Thames' legal advisors that he'd not require approval from the IHL for Dr. Dvorak's participation. She's still weighing her options. Story developing...
quote: Originally posted by: ram "I hope this is intended as humorous disinformation. It's wacky enough to be true in this already wacky situation. Please tell me that ADP would never allow their new $150,000/year employee to submit herself to such a monumental distraction from her day job."
I don't agree, Ram. I think that the stated goal of the ADP that links itself to a thriving University of Southern Mississippi would create a foundation for an argument that this IS her job. I have always thought that the battle for economic development lay at the heart of the internal and external political power struggles and I think there is just enough logic in Drudge's Report to support that position.
quote: Originally posted by: How many steps to Kevin Bacon "and would assure her ultimate ascendency to the originally coveted role..."
Now there's a scary thought, Dvorak resurrected and named successor to Thames. I wish I hadn't seen this item first thing in the morning, and the beginning of a weekend no less. Major consumption of libations may be in order if any part of this report proves accurate.
quote: Originally posted by: Drudge Report " Reliable sources inform me that USM President Shelby Thames is now imploring Dr. Angie Dvorak, former President of Ashland Community and Technical College and until recently Vice President for Research and Economic Development at the University of Southern Mississippi, to serve as an unpaid special consultant to the president for the duration of the recently announced SACS probation. Dr. Dvorak would advise and assist Thames in his efforts to have USM removed from probationary status. Dr. Dvorak is said to be seriously considering his plea, as it would allow her to regain stature and credibility among university faculty members, as well as provide favorable publicity for her husband Mark, who maintains a struggling Hattiesburg law practice with former USM Risk Manager John "Jack" Hanbury. "
Followup: Dr. Dvorak has quietly parried Thames' plea for her assistance in the matter of the SACS probation bailout. She has confided to some ADP staffers that she sees no up side to any further alliances with the now "discredited" prez. She apparently feels that by politely declining his entreaty she can stay above the SACS fray, while at the same time avoid burning any political bridges. This is a critical concern given her belief that Thames, though wounded, is still a powerful force with strong pockets of residual support within the Hattiesburg business community. This is her (and her husband's) bread-and-butter and she can ill afford to offend Thames or those who pay her overly generous salary.
She still harbors some faint hope that by maintaining, or widening her distance from Thames, she may yet realize her original dream of assuming the reins at USM. If the moment seems right, she may try an end run by directly offering her services to the IHL, presenting herself as an experienced, expert administrator. While aware that her ascension is a remote possibility, she understands that separating herself from the failed Thames administration is now crucial. Look for her to be politely supportive of Thames if and when she's asked to issue a public comment. If she perceives that Thames' position has been sufficiently weakened, do not be surprised to hear her issue diplomatic criticism of his stewardship, coupled with saccharine platitudes about his yeoman service to the university. Stay tuned.....
quote: Originally posted by: Drudge Report " Followup: She still harbors some faint hope that by maintaining, or widening her distance from Thames, she may yet realize her original dream of assuming the reins at USM. If the moment seems right, she may try an end run by directly offering her services to the IHL, presenting herself as an experienced, expert administrator. While aware that her ascension is a remote possibility, she understands that separating herself from the failed Thames administration is now crucial. Look for her to be politely supportive of Thames if and when she's asked to issue a public comment. If she perceives that Thames' position has been sufficiently weakened, do not be surprised to hear her issue diplomatic criticism of his stewardship, coupled with saccharine platitudes about his yeoman service to the university. Stay tuned..... "
This is not what I wanted to hear on the eve of a hopefully better new year. Surely the IHL wouldn't be receptive to an overture such as you describe. Would they? What a disconcerting thought. Dr. Dvorak does seem to have an uncanny ability to weasel her way into a succession of lofty positions for which she's ill qualified. Evidently she presents herself well to those who make hiring decisions. Does Angie have any supporters or advocates at the IHL, or do we know?
"Ill-qualified" is putting it mildly. She was president of a little vo-tech in the Kentucky hinterland for what, two years?? Where did she get any SACS expertise at all? I would truly like to know how the woman does it.
Rumor has it that Angie Dvorak was being groomed to replace Shelby when he finally rode off into the sunset.
And I can see her trying to weasel her way in with the IHL Board, once they finally decide to get rid of her former mentor.
But I've been assuming that she was pushed out of her VP position because behind closed doors the Board told Shelby she would have to go. Unless they have terribly short memories, how could they consider her a candidate for President of USM?
quote: Originally posted by: Robert Campbell "Chicken Soup Lady, Rumor has it that Angie Dvorak was being groomed to replace Shelby when he finally rode off into the sunset.l"
Un freakin believable. Please, Robert, tell me you're kidding.
Jeez, do they think that ANY of the alumni will contribute to a Dvorak-run school?
And even though there is precedence by Brett Favre simplifying the pronunciation of his name, I'd like to hear anyone (including Angie) try to pronounce her own last name. Maybe Jeff Rassier at WUSM is the only one that can do it.
The story that Thames intended to make Angie Dvorak his successor is not something I can verify. But it sounds perfectly plausible to me, and it makes his fervent defense of "that lady" easier to understand.
I doubt that any USM alumnus would want to donate to a university run by Angie Dvorak--but then, how many are willing to donate to a university run by Shelby Thames?
let me counter the drudge report with another plausible alternative--thames wanted to groom hudson into the next president. wait his time and the job would be his. this would explain the swap between grimes and hudson in the two provosts positions. hudson was impatient (having lost out to thames in the presidential search and having been at USM for years, even as a student) and thus began a campaign to undermine thames. hudson was well known for not respecting or being able to work with women, particularly those with Ph.D's, and he began his campaign to eliminate those women from the upper administration. look at who left.
quote: Originally posted by: Robert Campbell " I doubt that any USM alumnus would want to donate to a university run by Angie Dvorak--but then, how many are willing to donate to a university run by Shelby Thames? Robert Cmapbell"
Point taken. That's exactly what I told the poor COST student they had dunning me over the phone for money.
Hudson can't have been at USM any longer than Joe Paul. I think he's been there for about 30 consecutive years or more. You just KNOW that JP has the Presidency on his mind. I don't know if he's a SFT disciple, but he's about done with vita padding.
the problem with Joe is that he doesn't come from the academic side of the house. i don't think he has the support of a lot of academics. but then again, this university has strange relationships with the hattiesburg community, and joe has those connections.
Why does everyone continue to look for rationality in this situation? Why assume that Shelby promised either Angie or Tim his support for the next time around when he likely promised it to both? It's a "business" you know and competition is good. I believe Shelby encouraged the competition that existed between them while telling each privately that he/she was the chosen candidate. Tim Hudson did the same thing when he attempted his powerplay in the spring. My initial post on the old board on this topic asked the questions "who did he promise the Provost's job to and how many did he promise it to?" This is but one of many reasons behind the slogan "they've all got to go".
quote: Originally posted by: stinky cheese man "let me counter the drudge report with another plausible alternative--thames wanted to groom hudson into the next president. wait his time and the job would be his. this would explain the swap between grimes and hudson in the two provosts positions. hudson was impatient (having lost out to thames in the presidential search and having been at USM for years, even as a student) and thus began a campaign to undermine thames. hudson was well known for not respecting or being able to work with women, particularly those with Ph.D's, and he began his campaign to eliminate those women from the upper administration. look at who left. "
SCM, you're pretty close. Shelby promised to back Hudson for prez if Tim would help him "administrate" behind the scenes during his own presidency, a tacit admission that Thames was clueless about running the university. "Make me look good and I'll help you out later, boy!" Timmy played along for a while but later learned that Thames had made precisely the same assurances to Angie. Tim never had any respect for Thames, even before being sold out, openly ridiculing him as an ignorant rube at every opportunity. Surely some of you have witnessed his mockery of Shelboo while holding court at the Mahogany. Hudson's problem wasn't impatience. It was Thames' treachery. When it became apparent to Tim that he was being outmaneuvered by the Kentucky cabal, he revised course and commenced looking for a presidency elsewhere, with the dual objective of beefing up his resume and distancing himself from the Thames-Dvorak trainwreck that seemed imminent. Thus far, Hudson would seem to have the strategic advantage. He has a fresh start with a well respected university, a nominal secondary campus presidency, has dissociated himself from Thames (and only looks better each time Shelby blames him for everything from the SACS crisis to USM running out of toilet paper). Uncle Tim would love to return triumphantly to USM, but he's enough of a realist to know it may never happen. He may approach the IHL whenever they decide to finally can Shelby, but only if he feels they'd be receptive. In the meantime, he's happy in his present digs and apparently well regarded, thus far.
Joe Paul or Tim Hudson???? Neither should be acceptable. JP behaved abominably last spring, openly attacking Myron Henry at a meeting. Neither has ANY academic standards.
quote: Originally posted by: Music patron "Joe Paul or Tim Hudson???? Neither should be acceptable. JP behaved abominably last spring, openly attacking Myron Henry at a meeting. Neither has ANY academic standards."
Why would anyone even SUGGEST promoting from within for this position?!? It is all this business of thinking our own grads are the most qualified and therefore no need to look outside this wurl' class institution that has gotten us all but turned inside out now.
Robert Campbell or Invictus or one of you who have been in academia since God was a boy correct me if I am wrong...don't most universities go OUTSIDE their own circle to hire not only faculty but top administrators? Enough with this incestuous nonsense.
uncle tim--you give the "good hudson" spin. i give the "bad hudson" spin. hudson was every bit as treacherous as shelby. resented being passed over for thames. tried to be the faculty friend (particularly those in COAL). figured that if he could make shelby look bad enough (enrollment, angie's credentials) by leaking information and rumors, the IHL would look to him to replace shelby, since he was provost. if people would look closely at some dates of when events happened, i think they would be amazed at the timing. when one of tim's schemes didn't work, he went to the next. and you didn't respond to my note about tim not being able to work with women. look at the elimination of women from the administration.
The cleanest solutions are an interim SACS expert from the retirement pool or interim Crofts from IHL. Fix the immediate problem, search (beginning with a real soul search) nationally for a replacement once the dust settles - no one with old allegiances, political ties, or baggage can fix this at this point - whether qualified or not.
quote: Originally posted by: David Johnson " Why would anyone even SUGGEST promoting from within for this position?!? It is all this business of thinking our own grads are the most qualified and therefore no need to look outside this wurl' class institution that has gotten us all but turned inside out now. Robert Campbell or Invictus or one of you who have been in academia since God was a boy correct me if I am wrong...don't most universities go OUTSIDE their own circle to hire not only faculty but top administrators? Enough with this incestuous nonsense."
I agree with you David. However, it appears that USM runs under the "plantation" system. Political power and connections seems to be the most important characteristic. If you are not one of the "good ole boys", how will they control the situation? Look what happened to Fleming, the first outside president in many years.
david--USM has this odd thing about inside and outside hires. since we had an inside president (lucas) last 20+ years (unusual in itself), there was a sense when he retired that we had to go outside. we got fleming. his subordinates were found of asking "inside or outside" when they met administrators at USM. for the fleming administration being promoted from within was bad. when fleming left, there was a sense that the "outside" presidency was a failure. i heard any number of department chairs say that the fleming administration never attempted to understand USM and why it did things the way it did--the fleming administration merely wanted to change things. so, we go back to an "inside" president--someone who knows the place. and that's how we get thames.