quote: Originally posted by: info "Anybody recognize the handwriting on the letters? Here's what I can make out, maybe, with abbreviations spelled out-- Jan. 2003 letter which disciplines[?] I[nteractive] V[ideo] N[etwork], online, correspondence, etc. Jan. 2004 letter To all K[itchen?] C[abinet?] [Thames' inner circle] Very important Br[ad?] Your task -- report to K[itchen?] C[abinet?] original info sent to Brad Bond 1/21/04 P[olly?]O[dom?] [Thames' exec. secretary] It goes without saying that these annotations could have been added any time. "
According to Kevin Walters, the second letter does have Thames' handwriting on it, but "Your Task" was addressed to Tim Hudson, not Brad Bond.