quote: Originally posted by: Coincidental Tourist "From CW Fan on another thread: Breaking... new letters from SACS shows Thames should have known, see HA web site. "
Fascinating reading, those SACS letters and Thames' lame explanation. Once again, the problem is all the fault of Tim Hudson (and Brad Bond). Again I ask what more is the IHL waiting to see before they hand this clown his walking papers? I doubt Roy Klumb would tolerate such incompetence from a manager in his lumber business.
I would think that it is about time that SFT own up to his own shortcomings and faults. No one is responsible for the mess that USM is in, except for him. He is supposed to be the president of this university, one whose responsibilities are to oversee the university and make sure that what needs to be done is done.
Somebody ought to remind him of the words of Harry S. Truman, the BUCK stops here, with you Dr. Thames, no one else. Deal with the fact that you sir, and only you, are responsible for the mess you have placed this university in. The university that you say you love. Hog wash!!!! You are destroying the very thing you say you love. It isn't Hudsons fault, its yours, and while I'm on the subject, the drop from Teir 3 to Teir 4 is also YOUR fault Mr. Thames. I cannot believe that you are allowing this to happen, get your head out of your _______ and fix the problem, you can start by leaving, you know where the door is, don't let it hit you on your way out.
But Walters doesn't have it quite right yet. In July 2002, Thames appointed Grimes Hattiesburg provost and Hudson Coast provost. Then about a year later, in the summer of 2003, Thames switched them, moving Grimes to the Coast and Hudson to Hattiesburg. Finally, in Aug. 2004, with Hudson gone to Houston, Thames apponted Grimes interim provost, apparently of both campuses.
While Thames can try to stick the Jan. 2004 letter on Hudson, the Jan. 2003 falls in Grimes' lap. Yet as the Fed Up remarks, it's Thames who is finally responsible.
I am really getting sick of this "blame the provost" game. Every time something happens SFT says that it fell under the responsibility of the provost. If that is so, then what is left to fall under the responsibility of the president? Maybe we don't need a president at all. Gee, I think I just saved USM some money. Watch out Klumb!
Now lets be fair to SFT. He was working very hard in January 2004. Don't you recall he had to review all of those emails that were being monitored during that period? And it wasn't just Glamser's and Stringer's email that had to be reviewed. Also he had to receive reports from Jack Hanbury on all of the undercover issues. No, I think you are just out to get the man don't understand all of the work he had to do.
Regardless of who was Provost when, these 2 letters were addressed to DR. SHELBY F. THAMES, for crying out loud!!!! Why won't this idot act like a UNIVERSTIY PRESIDENT for once and TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for his mistakes!!! I'm beyond tired of Shelboo's sophomoric refusals to accept responsibility for USM being on probation. I don't care if Mickey Mouse was Provost, Shelboo was President and he needs to take responsibility for this mess!
This is just his way of trying to weasel out of everything...this whole "Blame the Provost" game is tired, tired, tired, Shelboo!
quote: Originally posted by: Tiger "I am really getting sick of this "blame the provost" game. Every time something happens SFT says that it fell under the responsibility of the provost. If that is so, then what is left to fall under the responsibility of the president? Maybe we don't need a president at all. Gee, I think I just saved USM some money. Watch out Klumb!"
quote: Originally posted by: info "Anybody recognize the handwriting on the letters? Here's what I can make out, maybe, with abbreviations spelled out-- Jan. 2003 letter which disciplines[?] I[nteractive] V[ideo] N[etwork], online, correspondence, etc. Jan. 2004 letter To all K[itchen?] C[abinet?] [Thames' inner circle] Very important Br[ad?] Your task -- report to K[itchen?] C[abinet?] original info sent to Brad Bond 1/21/04 P[olly?]O[dom?] [Thames' exec. secretary] It goes without saying that these annotations could have been added any time. "
I think it's "RC" and not "KC"....but who could RC be?
It's not at all clear how the board got those letters. Was it from SACS, the university, a tipster? The dates and contents of the letters leave little wiggle room. The HA is really on the job. It will be interesting to see if the Sun Herald wakes up.
quote: Originally posted by: Second Hand Confirmation "According to my source who released a stream of expletives that I'm still blushing over - KC is Kitchen Cabinet and that is Shelby's handwriting."
Thames calls his inner circle the "kitchen cabinet?!!" Really?
quote: Originally posted by: Austin Eagle " Fascinating reading, those SACS letters and Thames' lame explanation. Once again, the problem is all the fault of Tim Hudson (and Brad Bond). Again I ask what more is the IHL waiting to see before they hand this clown his walking papers? I doubt Roy Klumb would tolerate such incompetence from a manager in his lumber business. AE"
DAMN YOU TIM HUDSON. You had to go on and mess everything up all by your silly self.
quote: Originally posted by: foot soldier " Thames calls his inner circle the "kitchen cabinet?!!" Really?"
The regular cabinet includes the president of faculty senate, staff council etc. When meaningful stuff is to be discussed, these people must leave and only the "important" people stay in the "Kitchen Cabinet". Doesn't that help improve communication and allow for input from all sectors using "shared governance"?
quote: Originally posted by: foot soldier " Thames calls his inner circle the "kitchen cabinet?!!" Really?"
The "Kitchen Cabinet" was a group of unofficial advisers with whom President Andrew Jackson regularly consulted, particularly during his first years in office,
Has anyone else recognized that the "timeline" published in the HatAm does not include the new Jan. 10, 2003 letter that was just reviewed by the IHL? Seems that one was left out of the timeline.
Also, I am unclear as how and who gave the IHL the two letters. Anyone know?
quote: Originally posted by: Timing is Everything "Did the IHL board have copies of these two letters prior to today's meeting with Shelby Thames?"
Were these letters in the hands of Board members before they met with Shelby Thames today or did they appear for the first time in the HA after or concurrent with the meeting - does anyone know?
Also, has it already been noted that the January 10, 2003 letter does not appear in the timeline? Shouldn't anything as serious as that letter have been included in the President's PowerPoint presentation explaining his rationale for the reorganization in January 2003?
Any alum who sat through that meeting in January 2003 and listened to that PowerPoint presentation knowing what we know now must be furious. Backers will question whether they were deliberately deceived or were addressed by an incompetent. Neither answer will inspire their continued support.
quote: Originally posted by: Austin Eagle " Fascinating reading, those SACS letters and Thames' lame explanation. Once again, the problem is all the fault of Tim Hudson (and Brad Bond). Again I ask what more is the IHL waiting to see before they hand this clown his walking papers? I doubt Roy Klumb would tolerate such incompetence from a manager in his lumber business. AE"
What is fascinating is that the letters both contain a paragraph explaining what happens when an institution isn't in compliance with the Principles at the end of the 2 year monitoring period. The sanction (probation) is clearly spelled out. How could Thames not have known that this was a distinct possibility?
How much clearer did James Rogers have to be? Was Shelby expecting a marching band or something to announce it?
I think someone else has posted a very probable answer: He was obsessed with firing two professors at the time. SACS took a back seat to the "fun stuff."
quote: Originally posted by: stinky cheese man "let me say that the term "kitchen cabinet" has been used in the Lucas and Fleming administrations as well. It wasn't originated by Thames. "
Are you saying that Dr. Lucas picked it up from Andrew Jackson? I always wanted to know if Lucas had a kitchen cabinet.
quote: Originally posted by: stinky cheese man "yes Lucas did. it was well stocked."
There's something about your answer that I find very moving, cheese man. The authoritative manner with which you speak is convincing. I began to suspect that was the case but I was never in a position to know for sure. I was way back on the pantry shelf like a can of spoiled sardines
A little reason for hope? If SFT did not turn over the SACS letters to the IHL Board hisself, then do we have a "Deep Throat" on the case (of Watergate fame)? If so, there may be hope as Kevin Walters develops his Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein persona and all the president's men (and women) come tumbling down straight into retirement, prison, or sudden "disappearance."
quote: Originally posted by: Angeline "A little reason for hope? If SFT did not turn over the SACS letters to the IHL Board hisself, then do we have a "Deep Throat" on the case (of Watergate fame)? If so, there may be hope as Kevin Walters develops his Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein persona and all the president's men (and women) come tumbling down straight into retirement, prison, or sudden "disappearance.""
Maybe I watch too many spy flicks, but I suspect there's more than one "deep throat" working out of the dome, as evidenced by the SACS letters finding their way to the IHL, Kevin Walters coming into possession of the unreleased timeline, and today's report from "Drudge" concerning Shelby reaching out for his security blanket (AngieD). Thames vessel is indeed springing leaks. I wonder if the preemptive disclosure on this board of his Dvorak consultancy scheme will serve to deflate that plan?