Oh, those crafty headline writers at the HA. In the "daily briefings" section on the front page of today's print version, the headline opposite the "4-year gap" SACS story is "Newton to visit Shelby." Upon closer examination, it seems that Mr. Las Vegas, Wayne Newton, will perform for troops at Camp Shelby next week. The head shot of Mr. Las Vegas below the headline gave it away, but the irony didn't escape me. How I wish Virginia Newton would visit our Shelby.
quote: Originally posted by: stinky cheese man "my paper had wayne newton (with a picture). where'd you get the idea is was virginia newton? folks--reign ourselves in! if not we look stupid!"
I mentioned the Wayne Newton picture in my original post. However, I thought the headline was ironic given all the front-page Southern Miss news. (emoticon just for you, stinky.)
googler--thanks for the emoticon. one of my children and i had some comments to be made about wayne newton being at shelby. not too supportive. my child still wonders about what style of haircut he has. says it's not a pompadore (sp!).
quote: Originally posted by: Googler "Oh, those crafty headline writers at the HA. In the "daily briefings" section on the front page of today's print version, the headline opposite the "4-year gap" SACS story is "Newton to visit Shelby." Upon closer examination, it seems that Mr. Las Vegas, Wayne Newton, will perform for troops at Camp Shelby next week."
I would imagine that the double meaning of the term "Shelby" (Shelby the man cf. Shelby the military camp) is something both Wordsmith and Malpropism would appreciate.