"Working together, the leadership and faculty of this institution have already addressed the majority of the commission's concerns and are working diligently on the remaining portion." Shelby F. Thames
I am so relieved! Looks like Joan Exline and Shelby F.Thames have already solved the problem and perhaps that $500,000 can be spent hiring more faculty making sure faculty have basic resources!
This same piece is also in the Hattiesburg American today.
"It is my responsibility to acknowledge the problems and to fix them, and that is what we are doing."
It is ONLY his responsibility to acknowledge the problem? I can do that.
In the press conference SFT was asked if he accepts responsibility for the problem. I thought I heard him say something like " It occurred on my watch, so yes I accept responsibility". If any of you can find the press conference, listen to it and tell me if I'm wrong.
To date, she has conducted focus groups with faculty and staff
NOBODY, not faculty, staff or chair from my unit has been involved in any focus groups. I don't know a single person who has been to one of Exline's "focus groups". Does anyone really believe this stuff???
quote: Originally posted by: Anonymouse "To date, she has conducted focus groups with faculty and staff NOBODY, not faculty, staff or chair from my unit has been involved in any focus groups. I don't know a single person who has been to one of Exline's "focus groups". Does anyone really believe this stuff???"
For some reason Stan Tiner and the boys at Sun Herald have bought into it. For the life of me, I can't understand why. They've always defended him. Meanwhile they say NOTHING about the Stevenson mess, the growth of online classes at the coast, the drop to fourth tier status, etc, etc. It's sickening.
quote: Originally posted by: dr. know " For some reason Stan Tiner and the boys at Sun Herald have bought into it. For the life of me, I can't understand why. They've always defended him. Meanwhile they say NOTHING about the Stevenson mess, the growth of online classes at the coast, the drop to fourth tier status, etc, etc. It's sickening. "
Watch for Ricky Matthews to be made alumnus of the year or something real soon. It's how Gulf Coast CC rewarded him for giving them better press.
quote: Originally posted by: dr. know " For some reason Stan Tiner and the boys at Sun Herald have bought into it. For the life of me, I can't understand why. They've always defended him. Meanwhile they say NOTHING about the Stevenson mess, the growth of online classes at the coast, the drop to fourth tier status, etc, etc. It's sickening. "
quote: Originally posted by: dr. know " For some reason Stan Tiner and the boys at Sun Herald have bought into it. For the life of me, I can't understand why. They've always defended him. Meanwhile they say NOTHING about the Stevenson mess, the growth of online classes at the coast, the drop to fourth tier status, etc, etc. It's sickening. "
They've bought into it because of the economic development hype. They have been deceived. If they are good people, they will come around when they realize that there's no substance behind the smoke and mirrors.
quote: Originally posted by: Broken Spoke in Hub City Wheel "That is the first thing that stuck out when I read it. Admit. Deny. There seems to be one discrepancy after another in the Hub City."
"Bad decision, lie, cover-up - repeat the cycle". It is the mo of this administration, why should this time be any different. The question is, why do people continue to believe him - where is the core of support?
quote: Originally posted by: Robert Campbell "Thames is now admitting he knew there was a problem in 2002. Robert Campbell"
I noticed this, too. He can't have it both ways. If now he is going to act like he knew for the last two years then can't he be blamed for not telling the IHL about it? In some article recently I remember reading that some on the IHL were mad they were not told about this before.
quote: Originally posted by: Tiger "I noticed this, too. He can't have it both ways. If now he is going to act like he knew for the last two years then can't he be blamed for not telling the IHL about it? In some article recently I remember reading that some on the IHL were mad they were not told about this before."
Maybe the philosophy in this matter is a military one - "Don't ask, don't tell." Generalissino W.D.M. would love that.
quote: Originally posted by: Robert Campbell "Anonymouse, There's a good chance that Exline just made up the focus groups, out of desperation. It's not as though she's lacking for models to imitate... Reporters need to start asking her for dates, times, and attendees. Robert Campbell"
If they were real, wouldn't the focus groups have been for the next SACS?
There were some focus groups last year, with either Hudson or Bond. I wasn't in one, so I don't remember.
quote: Originally posted by: foot soldier " If they were real, wouldn't the focus groups have been for the next SACS? There were some focus groups last year, with either Hudson or Bond. I wasn't in one, so I don't remember."
Ah . it is all coming in focus . . . now.
I believe last year Brad Bond convened a number of folks to discuss issues of Strategic Planning. I was invited to one -- don't remember any followups. Could this now count as a focus group (in new managerial language past pluperfectretrospective?)
quote: Originally posted by: stephen judd " Ah . it is all coming in focus . . . now. I believe last year Brad Bond convened a number of folks to discuss issues of Strategic Planning. I was invited to one -- don't remember any followups. Could this now count as a focus group (in new managerial language past pluperfectretrospective?) Seems more like a lot of unfocus groups to me. "
Yes, Stephen, those were the "focus groups" (the term I believe derives from the use of "focused discussion groups" as a qualitative research method). I attended, and there were a lot of solid academic people there. Rather than a directed discussion (poor Brad had a bunch of prepared questions, but didn't get much opportunity to ask them), the session turned into an opportunity to give Brad an earful. Frustrations were loudly and clearly aired. Brad took it all very well. I heard that other meetings had the same flavor. I am sure that it is a relief to him to get back into the ranks.
quote: Originally posted by: Toady "focus groups" (the term I believe derives from the use of "focused discussion groups" as a qualitative research method).
I fear that the name of the proposed USM focus groups may have an entirely different root derivation, Toady. Focus = foc us
quote: Originally posted by: Toady "Yes, Stephen, those were the "focus groups" (the term I believe derives from the use of "focused discussion groups" as a qualitative research method). I attended, and there were a lot of solid academic people there. Rather than a directed discussion (poor Brad had a bunch of prepared questions, but didn't get much opportunity to ask them), the session turned into an opportunity to give Brad an earful. Frustrations were loudly and clearly aired. Brad took it all very well. I heard that other meetings had the same flavor. I am sure that it is a relief to him to get back into the ranks. "
You are right -- I remember that too. I kind of figured that there would be several of these so I wasn't too alarmed when people started to vent. But then nothing happened after that. It is too bad that even that far back I remember sensing Brad's discouragement.
"Dr. Exline has developed three work teams - a leadership team, a compliance team and a quality enhancement plan team. She has begun work in the areas of updating strategic plans, creating infrastructure for the assessment process, documenting activities, developing checks and balances for meeting reporting deadlines, evaluating policies, establishing procedures and practices that affect retention, and implementing a quality enhancement plan."
This makes it sound like she's developed these all on her own to correct the current situation. Talk about SMOKE AND MIRRORS!!! I'm currently looking at the most recent SACS reaccreditation standards...EVERYONE has a leadership team, EVERYONE has a compliance team, EVERYONE has a QEP team. Boy, I'm impressed this novel approach by the administration at USM!
we didn't have these committees before. the fact that other universities do and we didn't ought to tell you something. this is not rocket science. there are ample models all around the southeast.
quote: Originally posted by: stephen judd "You are right -- I remember that too. I kind of figured that there would be several of these so I wasn't too alarmed when people started to vent. But then nothing happened after that. It is too bad that even that far back I remember sensing Brad's discouragement. "
Now I too remember the (un) focus group discussions. I recall the venting because I did some.
IIRC the questions to me were like someone asking a homeless person how to decorate the foyer. We have so many basic needs and the SACS questions assumed that all of those BASIC needs are automatically being fulfilled. When you have blackboards that you can't write on, overheads with no bulbs, students with no chairs on which to sit, and grade inflation through the roof, the questions just proved to me how out of touch the administration was.
ooh, SCM, that is scary. The first thing that an institution does in the "principled" criteria for accreditation is to identify a leadership team to begin fleshing out the topic for study in the QEP. You're exactly right, it isn't rocket science...the formula is there, just drop the players in and see what happens. From watching this train wreck from afar, it seems as if some of this was beginnig to happen when Fleming was there. I'm not a fan of assigning blame, I'm a fan of taking responsibility and then taking action. I just don't see the current administration OR the esteemed IHL actually taking action or responsibility.
I wish you the best in getting this mess upon mess upon mess straightened out. There seems to be so much swept under the rug that the rug no longer has contact with the floor.
Lots of good candidates out there, any of which would jump at the chance to come to a World Class institution such as USM. Better grab one of them. They're going like hotcakes this season - like head football coaches. This AP news item tells about the latest. I know $500,000 annually isn't much, but heck - it's all they can pay. Surely the IHL can match the salary pain in an adjacent state:
" NASA Administrator Sean O'Keefe is a top candidate for Louisiana State University chancellor after nearly three years leading the space agency through a tumultuous period marred by the Columbia shuttle disaster.
He will meet Thursday with the committee looking for someone to fill the $500,000-a-year job heading the Baton Rouge campus, search committee chairman Joel Tohline said."
quote: Originally posted by: Hidden benefits "That candidate will probably be promised a "shoe contract" with Nike or someone or he couldn't afford to come for that paltry salary."
I always wondered why university presidents bought so many white tennis shoes. Take a look next time you're in a presidents office.
quote: Originally posted by: Hidden benefits "That candidate will probably be promised a "shoe contract" with Nike or someone or he couldn't afford to come for that paltry salary."
Maybe if Shelby had been given a Golden Flake potato chip bonus, none of this would have happened.