I am especially concerned with "Overhaul teacher retirement and pension system, which Barbour says encourages experienced teachers to retire too early." If the guv means dramatically increasing the annual percentage for years above 25, great. But if he means lowering the benefits until one reaches, say, 30 years, I say, "You're a one-termer, Haley."
like this would happen right after I hit my "25"... <SIGH>
I do not know how I feel about "liberating" districts from MDE oversight. I think it might work fine for "category 5" districts, but my local district is a "cat 4" & I shudder to think how bad it would be without fear of the Dept of Ed. Until Mississippi eliminates its archaic system of elected school superintendents, I think it is a very bad idea to "(g)ive schools, which are now prohibited from doing anything not specifically spelled out in law, authority to do anything that isn't specifically forbidden."
"I am especially concerned with "Overhaul teacher retirement and pension system, which Barbour says encourages experienced teachers to retire too early." If the guv means dramatically increasing the annual percentage for years above 25, great. But if he means lowering the benefits until one reaches, say, 30 years . . ."
Most universities encourage the higher paid full professors to retire early in order to pave the way for less paid assistant professors. Fulls are seldom replaced with fulls. I can't see how encouraging experienced public school teachers to extend their employment would have the benefit Barbour says it would have (Barbour says the current system encourages them to retire too early).