quote: Originally posted by: Reporter "The rest of the story from H.A. http://www.hattiesburgamerican.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20041203/NEWS01/412030301/1002"
quote: Originally posted by: Deja Vu " "I really don't know what to do, quite honestly." "I think I've heard that song before""
This rhetoric may be just a ploy to urge the legislature to do the right thing, but then again it exposes the utter incompetence of the SFT Administration. They cannot even do what they are heralded as being expert at: managing money and being "business-like." What reason still exists for keeping this bozo in power?? Are you listening IHL Board??
The story reads as though Shelby is doing precisely what he was hired to do.
Good quote from David Johnson, about "sidewalk sale" conditions when departments can't advertise till April. In some academic job markets, there are so many degree holders chasing after jobs that a department can still find someone good under those circumstances. But when you add in the reputation that USM has acquired under the Thames regime....
"If you don't advertise early, you don't get top candidates, the first choice candidates," Johnson said. "If we get approved in April for a fall position, we're going to get the folks who are left - the after-hours sidewalk sale."
Despite the early bird bargain specials in CISE - I doubt top quality professors will come here if anyone who has experienced this place talks honestly about that dept. I know that at NCTE, some honest talk was going on from every level at universities across this country.