President Shelby Thames says that the school’s in a tight spot when it comes to hiring for positions next year.
Thames said during a meeting Thursday of the President’s University Council that he doesn’t want to make offers to incoming professors and then see the budget cut forcing layoffs and reductions in salaries.
i can't speak to the particulars behind Thames' comment, but everything state legislators keep saying suggests that it's going to be a rough budget year. it will make for an interesting, if not scary, legislative session.
But we found $4 million dollars to fund the shortfall for an overbudget building that's going to house a handful of faculty members and virtual students???
quote: Originally posted by: info "Thames said during a meeting Thursday of the President’s University Council that he doesn’t want to make offers to incoming professors and then see the budget cut forcing layoffs and reductions in salaries."
Well, gosh Shelb - maybe you should have thought of that before you spent millions of dollars on redundant administrators, legal hearings, settlements and SPIN.
Want to bet that we could reword this to say "no new teachers except for the ones in CISE and Economic Development".
Want to bet that Ole Miss and Mississippi State are not in the position of freezing new hires and threatening layoffs because they spent one time money on raises?
What I find to be the most interesting about these open positions that are currently listed on the USM site is that they can all be filled ASAP!!!!
The University of Southern Mississippi 's College of Education and Psychology's Department of Curriculum, Instruction, and Special Education due to program growth and expansion, announces the following opening of new positions: