A short note in the February 1, 2008 issue of the Chronicle of Higher Education caught my eye:
James T. Tisdale, director of development in the College of Education and Psychology at U. of Southern Mississippi, to director of development in the College of Science and Technology in the university.
Is this just "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic" or was this person such an effective fund-raiser that COS&T recruited him away from Ed/Psych?
JT is Terrel's son. Bright kid. I am not sure why he left the COEP, but the COST provides a lot of opportunities for fundraising. I miss Ben Samels, who did this job before JT. Ben was really dedicated to moving the COEP forward and got down in the trenches to raise money (COEP started from almost nothing). His loyalty was first and foremost to the faculty, students, and alums. He went to U South Al.