Here's a short list of what (who) I'm thankful for. You can add your own:
Gary and MaryAnn Stringer Frank Glamser Myron Henry Amy Young Neil McMillen Noel Polk Stephen Judd Jameela Lares Anne Wallace The AAUP Committee "A" FireShelby The concerned students The night chalker truth4usm LVN Invictus (and Dylan) See More Judge Cooley and his risk manager Mr. Wonderful and his committee (Everyone else I've forgotten)
Thankful for the chance to be a small part of this. Add to the list:
USM Sympathizer Present Professor (who may still be with us under another name, I think) All the staff people who keep on keepin' on and whose morale is as shot as anybody's Whoever sent me those wonderful flowers under the name of Judge Cooley.
First, I am thankful that FireShelby saw fit to establish the message board from which this one grew. Although I am not thankful for the circumstances that led to its creation, I am glad that it got created -- otherwise I would not have met so many interesting & intelligent people.
I would like to add a few names to the list: Austin Eagle Robert Campbell ram
There are many more, but these three haven't been mentioned in the thread so far...
To the USM faculty who post here: I am thankful that you are keeping the faith. Sooner or later, the real University of Southern Mississippi, my alma mater, will prevail. Your efforts & perseverance are not in vain.
There are many off-campus persons who spoke out early during this terrible debacle. I can't recall them all, but Dr. Geoffrey Hartwig, Dr. Marcia Harwig, and Gene Saucier are among them.
Noel Polk and D.C. Berry.
And do not forget all of the courageous souls who entered their name on the AAUP petition.
I am grateful for the secretaries and office managers who work for the central administration. They do their best to make sense out of senseless decisions, to adhere to procedures and process which their bosses ignore, and to try to bring calm in the face of crisis caused by administrators who think they know what they do not know.
Although I shall not name them by name, they (and we) know who they are. Thank you for helping our university survive the tumultuous years.
quote: Originally posted by: Anonymouse "I am grateful for the secretaries and office managers who work for the central administration. They do their best to make sense out of senseless decisions, to adhere to procedures and process which their bosses ignore, and to try to bring calm in the face of crisis caused by administrators who think they know what they do not know. Although I shall not name them by name, they (and we) know who they are. Thank you for helping our university survive the tumultuous years. "
And also those who know what their bosses do not think they know...
quote: Originally posted by: Me "And to those who were grossly abused and should have sued but refrained from doing so."
Thanks to everyone who has a dog in this so-called hunt. Suing - not suing - posting - just reading - speaking out - quietly supporting - writing letters - talking to community members, colleagues (USM and beyond), other posters, and students (DS - thank you) - using critical thinking skills - giving a damn - declaring NO QUARTER in varying decibels - choosing to not give up. As Steven Tyler (Aerosmith) declares -- Life's the journey not the destination
"For the warriors whose strength is not to fight ... For the refugees on the unarmed road of flight ... An' for each an' ev'ry underdog soldier in the night" ...
"For the guardians and protectors of the mind"...
"For the countless confused, accused, misused, strung-out ones an' worse And for every hung up person in the whole wide universe..."
the disappearance of the Kentucky Mafia from campus
strangely enough, the President's Council--looked like a pig in a poke but brave folks made it work! There are many, but I'm thinking of Myron Henry and Ray Folse.
Dave Beckett and the Faculty Senate Exec--and heck, the Faculty Senate at large, which debates and considers and exemplifies shared governance
Kevin Walters
those editors at the American who choose to report ALL the news
and, if you'll permit a personal note, sour cream apple pie at midnight--
quote: Originally posted by: Jump, Jive 'n Stomp "Sounds like a tune they used to play at Birdland."
My husband just reminded me that the old song to which I referred was "celery stalks at midnight," not "sour cream apple pie at midnight." My mistake. So sorry. I feel so dumb.