quote: Originally posted by: New Adjunct "Wow, you got your papers done! Can anybody explain the pyschology behind my hatred of and reluctance to, grade essays. What makes it so hard? Why can't I just pick up the darn pen and DO it instead of suffering for days?"
Give multiple-choice exams, New Adjunct. That will solve your problem.
quote: Originally posted by: Lazy Daisy "Give multiple-choice exams, New Adjunct. That will solve your problem."
Or if give True-False questions if you want to free up your evenings and weekends every more. (USM as an institution seems to be taking the quick and easy route on so many things these days).
quote: Originally posted by: Lazy Daisy "Or if give True-False questions if you want to free up your evenings and weekends every more. (USM as an institution seems to be taking the quick and easy route on so many things these days)."
Or even easier, give all "A's." What with the grade distributions I've seen, such an action would hardly be noticed.
quote: Originally posted by: New Adjunct "Wow, you got your papers done! Can anybody explain the pyschology behind my hatred of and reluctance to, grade essays. What makes it so hard? Why can't I just pick up the darn pen and DO it instead of suffering for days?"
It was a long haul. I suggest working in spaces where you will not be distracted. Coffee shops work for me, and there is plenty of caffeine there to help you. I also read papers while my spouse drove to the relatives on Thursday morning and back on Saturday. . . .
quote: Originally posted by: foot soldier "I also read papers while my spouse drove to the relatives on Thursday morning and back on Saturday. . . ."
Sending your spouse to relatives for the holidays. What a wonderful way to get your papers graded as well as get some peace and quiet! I could never get away with that.
quote: Originally posted by: Another interpretation "I believe that FS accompanied said spouse to see the relatives, but did not do the driving. Is that right, Foot Soldier?"
Yes, I accompanied my spouse. My spouse is a quiet sort (except when raving madly about Shelby Thames and co.) so I could have read papers either at home or on the road.