What's wrong with Thames? There is not enough room to write about that!! Actually, he's had some problems in the past (that were always being kept hush hush - I was witness to a hush/hush discussion at one point) but when someone does know for sure - please post. And if I'm not mistaken - one of his hospital visits was in Laurel rather than here in Hburg.
quote: Originally posted by: Alexander Haig "Does anyone know the university's chain of command with Shelby in the hospital, or is he back home?"
In a well-run administration (not here), the university's administrative chain of command would rest with the Provost, the vice-presidents and the cabinet. I would say that if SFT was out of commission for too long a length of time, the IHL would step in and name an interim president (we can only hope it would be someone who knows how to operate an educational institution).