"The reason we have not announced the names of candidates is because the entire search committee signed a confidentiality agreement to protect the candidates who are currently employed," said Frank McWhorter, search committee member and treasurer, in the prepared statement. "
Translation: the vote is going to be too close to make a controversial announcement days before the election.
quote: Originally posted by: ram ""Southern Miss is in the business of helping people improve their plight in life," Thames said.
Improving their "plight in life?" How condescending that sounds! All USM caused me was grief and misery. And I sure as heck gave USM far more than a days work for a days pay. "Plight in life," indeed.
quote: Originally posted by: ram ""Southern Miss is in the business of helping people improve their plight in life," Thames said.
Definitions of plight on the Web:
a situation from which extrication is difficult especially an unpleasant or trying one; "finds himself in a most awkward predicament"; "the woeful plight of homeless people"
I can't wait to see who the other candidates are. What I'd really like to see is who (besides the General) didn't make the cut and why. Here's the question: is USM better off without AD? What happens if she has to go out there without Big Daddy to protect her? And why did she leave Ashland to come to Jackson MS? I never have understood that step of the process.
quote: Originally posted by: Chicken Soup Lady "....... And why did she leave Ashland to come to Jackson MS? I never have understood that step of the process."
I've been curious about this for some time. Didn't Judge Cooley's Risk Manager, following his investigatory trip to Ashland CC, report that individuals he interviewed intimated they were pleased by AD's departure? The mass emigration of the Kentucky cabal has always seemed a bit odd. Speaking of which, how's the Hanbury-Dvorak law firm faring? Did they rent a skybox?
quote: Originally posted by: Behind the Words "The reason we have not announced the names of candidates is because the entire search committee signed a confidentiality agreement to protect the candidates who are currently employed," said Frank McWhorter, search committee member and treasurer, in the prepared statement. "
Connect the dots... McWhorter... Mader... Thames... Dvorak... ADP.
Politics makes strange bedfellows
Political interests can bring together people who otherwise have little in common. This saying is adapted from a line in the play The Tempest, by William Shakespeare: “Misery acquaints a man with strange bedfellows.” It is spoken by a man who has been shipwrecked and finds himself seeking shelter beside a sleeping monster.
quote: Originally posted by: Austin Eagle " I've been curious about this for some time. Didn't Judge Cooley's Risk Manager, following his investigatory trip to Ashland CC, report that individuals he interviewed intimated they were pleased by AD's departure? The mass emigration of the Kentucky cabal has always seemed a bit odd. Speaking of which, how's the Hanbury-Dvorak law firm faring? Did they rent a skybox? AE"
For the record, I spoke with one faculty member and mentioned Angie's name. She acknowleged that Dvorak had been at ACTC and promptly changed the subject. She did not smile or relay anecdotes. The evidence was a lack of evidence.
By the way, has anybody heard from the Judge? I never got reimbursed for my trip.
quote: Originally posted by: Banned Wagon "Angie Dvorak was slated to be the next USM President (with a clear ED agenda) before getting de-railed last spring."
Helluva scary thought. Who was behind her candidacy--Klumb and associates?
It seems clear that Angie was the annointed one. Hence Hudson's disenchantment and eventual disenfranchisement. Probably not planned by any one group--just assumed that a woman of such intelligence, strength, and charm would be THE one. The stakes were high for her. Good thing her reach exceeded her grasp.
What's scary is the thought that a person could go from being president of Ashland to being president of USM without being a dean, chair, significant publication, or any of that academic stuff one normally associates with that office. There is something more to the Story of Angie, and we're not getting the whole picture.
quote: Originally posted by: New Adjunct "What's scary is the thought that a person could go from being president of Ashland to being president of USM without being a dean, chair, significant publication, or any of that academic stuff one normally associates with that office. There is something more to the Story of Angie, and we're not getting the whole picture. "
I chatted with a retiree yesterday who responded this way when prompted with the speculation that Angie Dvorak would be the next ADP president:
"You've got to be kidding! First, she ruined the university and now they're going to let her loose on the ADP?"
She actually queried something else but I won't repeat it.
quote: Originally posted by: Gossiping Gourmet " I chatted with a retiree yesterday who responded this way when prompted with the speculation that Angie Dvorak would be the next ADP president: "You've got to be kidding! First, she ruined the university and now they're going to let her loose on the ADP?" She actually queried something else but I won't repeat it."
An additional point worth mentioning is that this person has absolutely no affiliation with the university but multiple ties to the ADP--curious that my comment appeared to be a complete surprise. Maybe the ADP is not united on this issue?
quote: Originally posted by: Hindsight "It seems clear that Angie was the annointed one. Hence Hudson's disenchantment and eventual disenfranchisement. Probably not planned by any one group--just assumed that a woman of such intelligence, strength, and charm would be THE one. The stakes were high for her. Good thing her reach exceeded her grasp. "
probably not any one group
I'm not sure. Looking for the connection.
Hudson's disenchantment and eventual disenfranchisement
Tim's integrity issues are probably hard wired but his poor decisions may, in part, have been an attempt to combat the Dvorak economic development machine.
Try this on for size...Shelby may be the ultimate patsy here.
quote: Originally posted by: Chicken Soup Lady "I can't wait to see who the other candidates are. What I'd really like to see is who (besides the General) didn't make the cut "
However, Ken Malone would be an excellent choice. Then he could stand in the spotlight and show us what he actually knows about ED. Put up or shut up, in other words. Plus the Coast would be rid of him. Let's print up some flyers!
quote: Originally posted by: A D(ire) P(rospect) "HANBURY!!?? Ok, the list is a joke. "
May be a joke. Maybe not. Nothing is too bizarre to not take seriously around here. Don't forget that Hanbury claims to possess special expertise in business development. And don't think for one minute that he wouldn't walk away from his not-so-bustling law practice for a guaranteed $150K per annum. He bailed out of his Kentucky practice to accept the $140K USM Risk Manager slot. Wouldn't be a stretch for him to try and slip through the back door into the ADP position, but I don't know whether he's bold enough to try an end run around Angie.
quote: Originally posted by: ADP Mole " ADP Short List for President: 1. Dr. Angeline Dvorak 2. Maj.Gen. Buford Blount III 3. John I. "Jack" Hanbury 4. Dr. Ken Malone 5. Robert St. John"
Who's Robert St. John? None of the other names appear to be beyond the pale. I'm only surprised that the multi-talented Dana Thames wasn't included for consideration. Guess the pay cut was the deal killer, since she's living hand-to-mouth now.
Of those listed (and I hope it is a joke) at least Robert St. John actually owns a business . Gen. Blount took himself out of the running so I'm not including him in any of this. I'm having a hard time believing these are the best candidates available.
quote: Originally posted by: Chicken Soup Lady "Of those listed (and I hope it is a joke) at least Robert St. John actually owns a business . Gen. Blount took himself out of the running so I'm not including him in any of this. I'm having a hard time believing these are the best candidates available."
I don't believe anyone ever made the claim that these were the best candidates AVAILABLE. Think of it as a deck stacked a priori in favor of Angie D., who, with Blount eliminated by the committee's exclusionary (and ridiculous) ED requirement, becomes the "best" candidate left standing. I'd like to know whether, if AD lands the position, USM is finally free of her and any responsibility for paying her inflated salary.
quote: Originally posted by: Invictus " Please commence by connecting the dot from McWhorter to Mader. I think I know the other connections. And some background on McWhorter por favor. If it's who I think it is, you probably can skip the Mader-dot & connect him straight to Thames..."
Frank McWhorter, CPA, member of the ADP President's Select Shun Committee, close "personal friend" of LM, Shelby Thames disciple and sycophant, and so it goes.....