Another lean week for noms of distinction. Maybe the scolding didn't work after all...
Collectively, the Committee wanted to scream Throw Me Somthing, Mister - anything, in fact, just give us something to work with! Well, The Beat Goes On and a keen Eye captured more monikers than we originally thought were there. Invictus checked in by cellphone from the Dolly Pontoon concert, so the committee stumbled along with only 2/3rds its usual allottment of dewberry brandy & nary an antimacassar hit Miss I's Persian rug. The Committee found itself more divided than it has been in months. Miss I liked the moralistic, upright names including The Truth Shall Set You Free and Heel Thyself ("But Miss I, that is not a spelling error, it's Tongue in Cheek humor - oh never mind.") and she especially liked the wholesomeness of the Chicken Soup Lady (in fact, Miss I has a suspicion that it's her old friend from Mayberry). Then there was the story of her long lost love who fought valiently in the original effort on the Normandy coast, evoked by D-Day Invasion 2004. Invictus feigned poor reception on the cell phone to hurry things along. Mal kept talking about double entendres and clever innuendo and argued long and hard for Porgie Tirebiter and Slush. Invictus said the only double worth discussing was Hot Links Body Double. Miss I vetoed that because she thought Concerned Late Night Viewer might construe it to be in poor taste. Trust Invictus to be ever on the edge. Discussion about Time Has Been Like Verlaine & Rimbaud was Totally Eclipsed by Mal's insistence on explaining the obvious. "Porgie from the Dwarf, get it? And Slush as in the meltdown of a snowball? So many levels to these names!" Invictus suggested that perhaps Mal ought to spend some time at the University of World Peace to learn about true consciousness raising on multiple levels.
Sometimes the ad hoc committee wonders if any of us have an Inkling what is really going on. (For what it's worth, Inkling was the favorite going into the committee meeting.) While we might be Notalgic for the Good old days when the partisan lines were simple (Righty Tighty Lefty Loosey), things have changed. Now, it makes little difference whether you're Politically Cynical or Cynically Political, money talks. If the IHL Board or USM administration have any Higher Calling, it's to turn a profit.
Gold mines take a while to dig. Without income, the best way to improve the profit margin is to cut costs. Whether this is achieved by Bulk Purchasing, by implementing Suggestions for the Liberry, or just commandeering the hard earned savings from the chairs (to which a number of Senator(s) can probably attest) is immaterial. A "man of action" does not think himself In Need of a Wordbuilder or in need of much of anything other than complete agreement by those closest to him.
Recent Coastian events underscore the need for us to realize that the Boss Man is the one who exerts the authority (or as Truth would say Authori-tay). Sometimes this isn't the person who has been given the authority, but without a COAST Guard, we predict the Kenbot will continue to run the show there. Even a Poor Farmer Boy from rural Lamar County knows that! Not Another Fried Squirrel - not even one - could become the new rallying cry.
As usual, the ad hoc committee feels the need to suck up to "that other committee" (as Miss Information calls it), so we'll nominate Mr. Wonderful's Night Crew as well.
Although it reminds the Committee (or perhaps because it reminds the Committee) of the string of articles in the Chronicle of Higher Education under the theme of "Degrees of Suspicion", A Matter of Degree gets this week's prestigious as ever Nom d'Aplomb award. As Mal says "It works on so many levels!" Congratulations and pick up your award here.
quote: Originally posted by: A Matter of Degree "With all of the great noms this week, I would have have dreamed that my nom would win. I am grateful to the committee for selecting li'l ol' me."
Should have read 'I would have never dreamed that my nom would win.'
Speaking for the committee, I felt that you were most deserving. Please forgive us for not supplying the correct link to your "suitable for framing" award certificate. We have a call in to the Invictus Help Desk and expect a solution in short order.
quote: Originally posted by: Mal "Speaking for the committee, I felt that you were most deserving. Please forgive us for not supplying the correct link to your "suitable for framing" award certificate. We have a call in to the Invictus Help Desk and expect a solution in short order."
The link to the suitable-for-framing award is now active.
Invictus thanks you for your kind words, and wishes to advise all that he plans to resume active participation on the AAUP message board as soon as his schedule permits. He is presently touring on the east coast filling in for Bob Dylan's regular drummer, who was taken ill following the consumption of an Aramark mad cow burger. In his absence, Invictus implores you all to stand firm, keep up the good fight, and be wary of polymer-infused foods.
Invictus does say that he is researching shared governance & academic freedom on this tour:
Santa Clara University Fresno State University University Of California Berkeley University Of California Davis University Of California Irvine University Of California Santa Barbara San Diego State University Of Colorado Kansas State University University Of Missouri University Of Iowa Carthage College Northern Illinois University University Of Wisconsin Oshkosh Purdue University Ohio State University Messiah College University Of Pittsburgh Michigan State University University Of Toledo Saint Bonaventure University Rochester Institute of Technology Binghamton University Lehigh University University Of Rhode Island University Of New Hampshire University Of Massachusetts Harvard University