Cecil Burge has been with the University since 1970. With 37 years in the system he'd probably like to get that state retirement started.
As for the others, Joe Morgan is an interim appointment who likely will be going back to his job overseeing procurement and purchasing.
Joe Paul isn't going anywhere, although look for a close examination by the new president of the University's recruitment efforts, which fall under "student affairs." That area has been without a director for quite some time--a search for a new director several months ago did not yield the desired results so for now the unit is operating with interim leadership.
She likely will keep more than will be good for USM. People who thrived under SFT are not the folks I would want to have in charge of any thing or any person. The more interesting question to me is how soon is she going to remove them? Since she does not have the time to micromanage the university, another year under the current set of administrators is another year under SFT.
Apparently she will have an Interim provost in place by July 1. She said the national searchers for Deans will begin early Fall semester so that means it will be done under the Interim Provost. Beginning in the Fall makes sense if you want faculty input to search committees.
I would expect a national search for a Provost to follow asap after the new Deans are picked. Then the new Provost could help pick the new upper administrators to work under them. This is just my guess, but it makes sense to me.