Has there been any indication of how President Saunders views the role of research in the university or in the research culture she would like see develop.By research, I am talking about quality research as defined by the individual disciplines which encompasses many aspects, not just bringing in dollars which SFT sought.Prior to SFT there were many pockets of excellence at USM.Some I knew about such as in English before the great exodus.I was aware that Psychology also was producing good work and there were many faculty in Science who were productive.Music had a stellar reputation based on the quality of faculty and what they produced.(I fear that I am not knowledgeable about their department since I know little about music.However I have had several friends at other universities remark favorably about USMs Music group).USM has lost many of its faculty who were research active and had a regional or national reputation.It would be nice to have an environment where research was promoted and encouraged such that USM can at least get back to where it was before the recent dark age.
The question came up in the councils (Academic, Chairs, Graduate, etc.) listening session with her back on April 5. If my memory is correct, she was asked if she agreed that research, teaching, and service ought to be ranked as "big R, pretty big T, and little S." She talked about the question for a moment, but ending up more or less agreeing that they should be so ranked.