Two Mississippi Valley State University professors were dismissed after serving on a 10-member faculty panel that called for the firing of Valley President Lester Newman.
Losing their jobs were professors Vickie Curry and Orian Cathey, said former Faculty Senate President Sam McNair, a panel member.
Another professor not on the committee was also terminated.
"I might be one to go," McNair said today, adding he expects others on the MVSU faculty and staff to be terminated by Newman.
"It is retaliation. It is total vindictiveness," said Curry, an education professor and wife of Valley fiscal administrator Andre Curry, when reached by phone. She said her termination is effective immediately.
A response from Newmans office was not immediately available, but a news release is expected.
Newman created the special panel in March after a Faculty Senate-led group earlier this year endorsed a "no-confidence" resolution critical of his leadership.
Dr. Orian Cathey, is Associate Professor of Mathematics, joined the MVSU faculty in 1999. A Valley graduate, Dr. Cathey earned a bachelor of science; he holds two masters of arts degrees, one from Jackson State University and one from Eastern Kentucky University. He also earned a master of science and a doctorate of philosophy from Jackson State....
Mrs. Vicki Curry, Assistant Professor of Education, joined the faculty in 2001. She holds a bachelor of science, master of education and education specialist degree from Mississippi State University....
2 profs critical of leader lose jobs Disapproval of Valley president not a factor in firings, officials say
Two Mississippi Valley State University professors were fired weeks after they served on a faculty committee pressing for the ouster of President Lester Newman.
Losing their jobs effective immediately were professors Vickie Curry and Orian Cathey, who were among 10 on the panel slamming Newman's "micromanagement" leadership style.
Professors said they learned of the dismissals over the weekend.
University officials insisted Monday the two nontenured professors were dismissed because they didn't complete their terminal degrees within five years. "It has nothing to do with their serving on the committee," said MVSU spokeswoman Debbie Montgomery.
While some may question the timing of the move, Montgomery said being president at Valley "is not a popularity contest."
Newman created the Valley panel in March after a Faculty Senate-led endorsement of a no-confidence resolution of his leadership in February. He allowed Valley professors from various colleges and the Faculty Senate to pick its members....
...Meredith and the state College Board had little to say about the latest upheaval at Valley. "The board continues to assess the situation at Valley, and next steps will be announced once they are determined," said board spokeswoman Annie Mitchell....
...More changes could be ahead since Newman in the fall also unveiled plans for an administrative reorganization. Many predict it will be unveiled this week....