I agree...it's nice to have some boring, quiet time on the board! Things are also quiet up here in Middle TN...it's that time of year, and for that, I am grateful!
Waiting with bated breath for President Saunders to announce her first Really Stupid Thing®. Before the sound of dropping jaws becomes deafening, remember, she is human, she is a career administrator, and she will have a few RSTs to her credit before long!
"I used to care, but things have changed." (Bob Dylan)
Well, I already have several RST's to my own credit this week. I hope people will be able to tell the difference between normal bureaucratic, institutional RSTs and the sort of World-Class RST's we've seen the past few years.
Love your enemies. It makes them so damned mad. ~P.D. East
Waiting with bated breath for President Saunders to announce her first Really Stupid Thing®. Before the sound of dropping jaws becomes deafening, remember, she is human, she is a career administrator, and she will have a few RSTs to her credit before longlong.
I would not be worried much about any errors she might make, I think they would be made with the best of intentions. What worries me is the collection of incompetent and purposely evil administrators she inherited. They are ubiquitous in our college and I suspect we are not alone in that regard. Any advice that she gets from them would be suspect.