That must be where Greg Lassen learned how to tell the faculty that he had taken/hadn't taken/hadn't decided but might take the funds in those departmental accounts.
Seriously, though, this activity of Malone's could not have gone over well in the College of Business.
As for the Political Science people getting involved... will they be Economic Development faculty? Or just affiliated with the program the way some professors of Geography or Workforce Development currently are?
The only thing that Political Science has seen fit to update on its Web site during Fall 2004 seems to be Denise von Herrmann's ascension to an administrative post on the Gulf Park campus.
quote: Originally posted by: Robert Campbell "Does anyone know whether CoST has tried to put Hadden on its Graduate Faculty? And if so, whether the Graduate Council responded appropriately? Robert Campbell"
Robert-some thoughts. We have had MDs teach graduate courses here, if qualified in the area. Dr. Hadden would also be qualified to be a thesis or committee member if the project is in his area of medicine (we have had physicians on committees). Where I would be concerned is dissertation directorship status, or teaching in an area in which he has no formal academic training.