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USM Website
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The USM website is being updated as we speak. I understand that they had a "hiccuph" earlier today which delayed the welcome information for Dr. Saunders, but that it's being done right now.

At the moment, you can click on "latest news" for a long article with photos.

-- Edited by LVN at 16:34, 2007-05-21

Love your enemies.  It makes them so damned mad.  ~P.D. East

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That is one hell of a "hiccuph."  The dude that is on vacation must have more job security than anyone else on earth.  Absolutely nobody else is able to take down the web page that still shows SFT as the "eighth president" of the university something like eleven days after he is gone?


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i haven't much paid attention but i notice saunders picture now appears on several of the pages where thames picture appeared recently.  ram--i'm not sure what pages you may be looking at but things are being changed, slowly.

Never argue with a fool; they'll just drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

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I just had that one piece of information, ram.  Don't know about since.  Haven't looked at it in a while.

Thanks for the update, scm. 

Love your enemies.  It makes them so damned mad.  ~P.D. East

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stinky cheese man wrote:

...  ram--i'm not sure what pages you may be looking at...

or here: (Click on "Office of the President")

or use the A-Z index and click on the link to the Office of the President.

-- Edited by ram at 06:34, 2007-06-01

-- Edited by ram at 10:26, 2007-06-01


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ram--i'm not sure what pages you may be looking at...
Ram, I checked the links and you are right.  There was a butt ugly picture of SFT.  It would be nice to see the pleasant face of our new President on the USM web site.  I suspect that the lack of haste to change it is another indication of how inefficient and sorry most of the university has become. 

I suspect my college (COB) is leading the way in disfunctionality.  At the last faculty meeting for the year, our acting Dean completely lost control and allowed an untenured faculty member to show overheads that were a vicious attack on other faculty including me.  Before it was all over, the campus police were called and a charge was filed by one faculty member against another.  We are losing faculty at a dizzy pace as productive faculty bail out and go elsewhere.  Of course many are young and productive people.  The administrators of the college and departments are corrupt and incompetent.  Searching for replacement faculty will be a depressing task unless one likes lying to potential new hires.

Professor of Finance COB USM

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Do not turn this into a COB thread. If the incident described above needs further discussion, please start a new thread for that purpose.

Impatient and intolerant.
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