I asked the question on another thread, but this time I'll put it up as a poll. At some point, this board will have achieved its purpose, but when is that point? The poll will close in a week.
Love your enemies. It makes them so damned mad. ~P.D. East
This board serves many purposes, not just to speak of the happenings at USM; although that does seem to be the topic of choice.
I see this board continuing long after the transistion takes place and things smooth out and start running as effectively as possible. We all need a place to vent our frustrations and concens and this board can serve that purpose. As long as its done without naming names, and that is a good idea to begin with.
I agree with Patti. The board was originally established as a sounding board for the frustrations with the current administration. However, it can be used in the future as a "safe place" to sound off against other things.
I think that the last option in the poll really explains the situation pretty well. Anyone who's ever moderated an open board (or even a semi-open registration type board) knows what I mean!
"I used to care, but things have changed." (Bob Dylan)
I think that the last option in the poll really explains the situation pretty well. Anyone who's ever moderated an open board (or even a semi-open registration type board) knows what I mean!
I am a moderator on another board, so yes I do understand. I want to give a big kudos to our moderators and the webmaster for doing a great job keeping the rest of us civil.
This board serves a useful function for we, the departed, who still have friends and colleagues in Hattiesburg. It allows us to keep somewhat up-to-date with events at USM. Even with the "peripheral issues" raised by various individuals with an ax to grind, like "He who must not be named," "Dr. Van Nostren," and others, this is a useful resource.
Since it's almost May 20, I'm going to "out" myself as one of the former webmasters/moderators of this board (an open secret to most, by now). I got the position by default (when the former webmaster was going to close the board, but I asked her/him not to do so), but did my best to try and keep the discussions going while deleting comments only when required (or when people asked me to do so). I'm not the webmaster anymore, but I do know that it's a big job especially on an open board. It's a tough decision to make...whether to keep it open or make it registration only. I don't know what the right decision is for this board, but I hope that you all understand that this board doesn't just happen on its own...it is the direct result of a few people putting in a lot of time to make sure that it remains a safe and viable place for discussion (and we can't forget Fire Shelby, who was the reason that we all came together in the first place).
Kudos to the current webmaster/moderator and I hope that there is a way to keep the board going for at least a little while longer!
Just want to weigh in from afar on what excellent jobs the various moderators of this board have done. To use a phrase from our grandparents' day, theirs was a missionary calling.
Just want to weigh in from afar on what excellent jobs the various moderators of this board have done. To use a phrase from our grandparents' day, theirs was a missionary calling.
More like a masochist calling! But, I and others did it for the cause, which made all of the hassle worth it. Change may have happened slowly, but it did happen. I'd like to think that this board and other efforts helped to keep the story alive and that we helped the College Board to realize that they needed to get rid of ole Shelboo. Instead of being "president for life," he'll now have to spend his days in the Polymer Palace where at least half of the people (maybe more now?) can't stand him. I'm sure he'll continue to throw his little hissy fits, but his damage will be contained. He won't be pretending to be a university president anymore, at least!
Throw back a drink for me and others who can't be there at the party this weekend...we'll be joining you in spirit! (or spirits...)
I think that you all may be a bit too optimistic about what problems at USM will be solved and what will not be solved. If The President keeps many of the current administrators in place for any time at all, do not be surprised if things continue as they are for a long time. These are administrators who were acceptable to Shelby Thames and accommodated him. They are not talented good people in a bad situation; they were comfortable with what Shelby Thames did. I hope I am wrong because my College has been almost destroyed and it cannot be fixed without ejecting many people from positions of authority very soon.
Interesting comment, Cossack. I just spoke with a department head today who was patting him/herself on the back for weathering the storm. "Bad times will pass if we just hang on." There was no sense at all of the fight and sacrifices that had made these bad times pass as soon as they did--though not soon enough for most of us. It made me wonder about the hangers-on--the ones who laid low but would have done almost anything to keep a job.
But I will try to be optimistic and hope for the best. You guys sure deserve it.
Interesting comment, Cossack. I just spoke with a department head today who was patting him/herself on the back for weathering the storm. "Bad times will pass if we just hang on." There was no sense at all of the fight and sacrifices that had made these bad times pass as soon as they did--though not soon enough for most of us. It made me wonder about the hangers-on--the ones who laid low but would have done almost anything to keep a job.
But I will try to be optimistic and hope for the best. You guys sure deserve it.
You've hit the nail on the head, here. There are far too many administrators at USM who are political chameleons -- changing their colors to fit the current need, all in the hopes of keeping the extra salary and control that accompany many administrative positions. Most are just waiting to get their 25 in and then get out, which is why there is a void of leadership.
Here's a suggestion that several people have discussed. Let's close this board at some time in the near future, and start a new one. I think the "fresh start" will be healthy for everyone. Another suggestion is that a new board have a Webmaster and moderators who are known to all of us. (My church blog/message board is set up like this, and I think it's a good thing.)
Comments? I'm not on campus, so I can't suggest anybody, but volunteers could contact the moderator or the webmaster.
Love your enemies. It makes them so damned mad. ~P.D. East
With all due respect LVN, it is not the Board that is the problem. The problem has been the posters who hide their identities. In my opinion, the Board has become almost clubby in nature which suggests to me the posters are from the same two colleges. It reminds me of a small town newspaper. If it happened in the next county, it is not news and we are not interested. Why would we think a new Board would be different?
With all due respect to you, Cossack, I believe you are mistaken. I know a fair number of people on here personally or second-hand, and I believe the colleges and STAFF are well-represented across the board. In addition, there are alums and retirees and people like me who are not at USM.
Love your enemies. It makes them so damned mad. ~P.D. East
You may be right. If there is another Board, I hope it works out well. However, it is the posters who make or break a Board. Why would you think a new Board will get "better posters" or more posters, or more importantly posters with a different bias?
You may be right. If there is another Board, I hope it works out well. However, it is the posters who make or break a Board. Why would you think a new Board will get "better posters" or more posters, or more importantly posters with a different bias?
I didn't say I thought any of that. I put forward a suggestion and asked for comments.
Love your enemies. It makes them so damned mad. ~P.D. East
LVN, Cossack, and others - although I do have to keep up my administrative duties as provost of the D'Lo campus, I am busy taking care of other professional matters as well. Should this board be abolished? Absolutely not. Perhaps this Board will find a renewed voice in another forum (I'm a FireShelby diehard and the end of that Board was a hard one to abandon). After the FireShelby experience and being such an integral part of that, I can say that this medium will never abandon us if we choose to let it live. Whatever group takes it up, you will find Emma there. Although many of us have moved on to other academic positions, what has happened, as a result of this board, has made yours truly a better academic in all regards to that role. I have grown as a person as a result of this board. I will soon return to Hattiesburg and hope to see many of the people who I'll always consider to be - my colleagues. Living well if always the best revenge. Godless Liberal - we ought to talk soon. Best to all. The D'Lo campus IS BEAUTIFUL!!!
Power is not revealed by striking hard or often, but by striking true. Honore de Balzac
I would also like to see a new board with a new moderator. However, anybody who is interested in taking over from here please contact me. I will have to know your real name.