Once again, the antimacassar tossers gathered with their snifters ready for a noisy meeting only to discover that Select Shun Committee adequately described their deliberations. There have been times in the past when the committee had to find a Copier to duplicate the nomination lists, but not so this week. A Reviewer could count the superior sobriquets on fingers & a few toes. It was a short meeting.
Please, dear readers, don't think you can Sucker the committee into giving awards to everybody simply by reducing the volume. We need a resurrection of creativity around here!
So without further ado, we present the honorable mentions...
Wishful thinkers might hope that there might soon be an occupant in Parchman's Presidential Cell Block, but realists know that's Chasing a Red Herring. Yes, it's Scamdelish, which was a tasty pun. But The Question seems to be whether the IHL board really cares at all.
This leaves us all Aghast, but there's a Proper Place & Time for everything & Nostradamus would tell us that the time is not at hand. I know, dear reader, that you may think that you Can't Believe What I'm Reading in the Sun-Herald, but it usually seems that that's as far as it goes.
Miss I nominated Heinz 57 without any political overtones, simply because it reminded her of her dog, Old Salt, who is the garden guardian & the neighborhood expert at playing "Where's the Mole?". Miss I was also pleased to see her Old Friend from Mayberry, Aunt Bea, on the board this week.
Acronymically speaking, DEE (Developing Entrepreneurial Endeavors) is the name of the game in the hallowed halls of what the guv calls a "gold mine." With all that money rolling in, there will most certainly be a Power Surge, which any Call Center Researcher will tell you is more dangerous than a No Call list.
The ad hoc committee realized that it had overlooked the inestimable Dr. Joseph Goebbels, public relations authority par excellence. And this week, that omission was underscored doubly he was joined by (in)famous researcher Herr Doktor Mengela & their friend Helga.
As usual, Mal tried to nominate a non-used nom, Lord of the Prance, which was disqualified by the rest of the committee. In retaliation, Mal disqualified Miss I's favorite, Big Tiers for overuse.
Some folks are wondering if the message board has gone Over the Hill, but as long as folks wonder Who's Next?, there will be a need for this place. Still, it was a sparse week for creative subterfuge on the board. Although things began to pick up a little on Friday when Emma clearly went on a roll, we are going to have to See More if the Nom d'Aplomb is going to survive.
So we reach the finalé & this week's grand prize weiner. Although s/he's been posting for a while, See More gets the Nom d'Aplomb award this go-round, not only because the weekly newsletters are so funny but also because if we're going to continue awarding this coveted recognition, we're going to have to SEE MORE!
The deserving winner may pick up the award at the usual place.
Bravo to See More. No one is more deserving. And, yes I did go on a roll when I -- once again -- figured somebody other than Shelby Thames was the contributor to the Message Board and was indeed being sarcastic about the President's letter. And, once again, I had to reminded that these are Sad Times at Hardy High, and what once was glorious has now been totally defrocked. Until next week . . . .