BTW, level 11 is not high enough for asking somebody to track the scholarship. This should be a level 13 with a masters. _______________________________________________________
Collects and analyzes assessment data for Institutional Effectiveness and NCATE offices. Develops surveys and other assessment instruments to measure academic outcomes and administrative objectives. Produces reports and analysis that will lead to program or unit improvement. Collaborates with University faculty and staff to improve student learning and campus-wide effectiveness. Provides analytic support for evaluating the need for new programs and alternative methods of instruction.
Job Duties and Responsibilities:
Adheres to University and department policies, procedures, and regulations.
Collects and analyzes data on an institution-wide, campus-wide, program-wide, and course level.
Provides analytic support for evaluating the need for new programs and alternative delivery methods.
Produces reports, analyzes data and trends, and assists with program improvement efforts.
Develops survey instruments for various assessment initiatives.
Collaborates with faculty and staff to improve effectiveness and productivity.
Represents IE and NCATE offices in committee meetings regarding data analysis.
Keeps abreast of scholarship and developments in assessment.
Assumes other work responsibilities to the position as needed or as assigned.
Minimum Qualifications:
Bachelors degree from a four-year college or university; or one to three years related experience and/or training; or equivalent combination of education and experience.
------------------------------------------- -I'll never tell
To whom does this position report? The description is a little murky. What data? How does this relate to IR? Seems like there might be some overlap? If it's a new position, why is it being created now, three weeks from the new president's coming in?
Lots of questions!!
Love your enemies. It makes them so damned mad. ~P.D. East
Relax LVN. This is not a new position, but it has been unfilled for a few weeks. The Assessment Office desperately needs a much larger staff - look at what other universities that take assessment/accreditation seriously have for staff.
If we had an IR unit that operated like the ones at other major universities then Assessment wouldn't need to hire its own data collector. But, alas, ours is so territorial that it won't do but the narrowest of job descriptions.
Well, that was what puzzled me. I worked in IR years ago at another school, and it sounded like an IR job. Maybe I should apply for it -- what would you give for my chances?
Love your enemies. It makes them so damned mad. ~P.D. East