Letter to the editor: Renaming a great ideahttp://media.www.studentprintz.com/media/storage/paper974/news/2007/04/24/Opinion/Letter.To.The.Editor.Renaming.A.Great.Idea-2875168.shtml
James Gallaspy owes Drs. Stringer and Glamser an apology for repeating the LIE that they did something illegal.
The oft repeated mantra of "possible criminal behavior" was employed by the Thames boosters during the attempted firings to deflect IHL and public attention from the facts of the AAUP investigation. A careful reading of the hearing transcript will reveal that criminal or illegal behavior was never charged by the university nor mentioned by their attorneys. It's hard to believe there is anybody left who hasn't figured out that they were duped by the administration on this issue.
The AAUP investigation of a university vice president's credentials dealt only with matters of public record such as employment status, rank, department, and tenure status at a state institution. There is nothing protected or confidential about such information.
Gallaspy owes a lot of people apologies, Glamser, Stringer, and Fleming. He is spouting the old athletics line in saying Southern was in financial trouble under Fleming. Not so. That's when we turned the corner and started bringing in research money. Remember Don Cotten that Fleming hired? Remember the new Carnegie classification we got before Fleming left? Gallaspy is just sucking up to the athletics interests. Not unusual
Gallaspy proves why a university should never allow an athletic trainer to set policy. What an idiot. And what an XXXXX to tell the Student Printz to write a grant if they want to move out of the basement. These @#$% like Gallaspy and Thames have no idea what public education, tax-payer funded education, is about and wouldn't survive a minute in the "real world" where they can't rely on tax-payer funded facilities and their status as employees of a non-profit public institution of higher learning in order to get grants that are supposed to contribute to the common good rather than line the pockets of the few well-connected good 'ole boys.
Yes, Angeline is back. I tried to stay away, but these neanderthals get my juices cookin'.
Glad to see you back. Tone it down, we've got lawyers on the prowl.--mod
James B. (Jim) Gallaspy, Jr. is a native of Jackson, MS and was born on September 8, 1948. Jim began his athletic training career serving as a student athletic trainer at Peeples Junior High School and Provine High School. He went on to The University of Southern Mississippi in 1966 to work under the NATA Hall of Fame member Larry "Doc" Harrington. After graduation from Southern Miss, Jim received employment at McArthur High School in Hollywood, Florida as a teacher/athletic trainer where he worked for three years and then in 1973 he enrolled at Indiana State University. After attending Indiana State University, Jim worked at Moline Senior High School as a teacher/athletic trainer and in 1074 he returned to The University of Southern Mississippi where he worked for 26 years. Jim has been President of the Mississippi Athletic Trainers' Association, Southeast Athletic Trainers' Association and served on the NATA Board of Directors from 1994-1997. He received the Sayers "Bud" Miller Distinguished Athletic Trainer Educator Award in 1992 and the Most Distinguished Athletic Trainer Award in 1995. He is a member of the University of Southern Mississippi M-Club Alumni Hall of Fame and received the All American Football Foundation Outstanding Athletic Trainer award in March 2000.