Wow. It is fun to use an old name from the early days of the board. I hope this stays open for a long time. This is great!
I wanted to voice my support Alvin Williams. From my limited encounters with him he has always seemed like an upright and fine person, and that would be an asset in any position in the CoB, but especially at the level of Dean. I wish him all the best and hope that he will retain that position for a few more years if he wishes to accept it. I realize he was probably thrust into this with little or no prior warning, but I hope he embraces the change and holds on to the position for a long time.
Bogus Boy wrote: Wow. It is fun to use an old name from the early days of the board. I hope this stays open for a long time. This is great!
It will only stay open if posters will remember to be civil. You will note that this thread has been heavily moderated.
I will say this on behalf of everyone who supports this board and helps run it:
We cannot afford to defend ourselves against any sort of legal action. Even though we're probably not legally liable for the stupid, nasty remarks some of you make about each other, we can't even afford to find out. We were contacted earlier this evening by an attorney regarding certain remarks on this thread. Folks, my life is too short and precious to be used up like this. If there's any more name calling we are going back to registration muy pronto.
PS in the interest of fairness, I edited VanNostren's worst comment about Dr. Doty too.
Glad to see Alvin Williams at the helm of the COB. He is going to run into the same group who saw their apple cart upset by Doty. They only have a little time left to try to get Shelby to help them again, as they have repeatedly done. This same group has tried to block accreditation and made life very uncomfortable to anybody who disagrees with their parochial agenda. They want to return to a good ole boy network in the school, and we know all what that entails (attempt at self-monitoring here). They make it especially uncomfortable for those that dont fit the good ole boy description. Not surprising that at on all the websites they do not use their real names, it would make clear who they are and what their real agenda is.
If things go badly in the COB over the next few months, it won't be hard to tell who dropped their end of the log. The administration will be new, while the faculty will be the same. Those who claim the problems originated with the college administration will now have the opportunity to display their virtue or their malevolence for all to see.
It's pretty easy to see who was rattling legal sabres at the board moderator. This reflects really, really well on the personnel in CoB. As an alum, I don't see a hill of beans difference between that sort of behaviour & what most folks on this board have accused SFT of for the past few years. Maybe the resignations at the top in CoB could be followed by a few farther down the food chain.
Go look up the principle of biomagnification. When a top level organism is poisoned, it usually means that the critters down the food chain are themselves swimming around with sublethal doses.
There is much to do in COB due to the upcoming accreditation visit after COB was put on probation. As most faculty are aware, it requires a great deal of team work to put together the material and man the committees. Good committee work is best done when faculty provide discretionary effort rather than doing the minimum. This does not occur when you have an envirnoment where unproductive faculty are rewarded while productive faculty are abused. This was what has been occurring in COB for some time. Hopefully, Dr. Williams will be up to the large task he has been handed. He is one of the few in COB who can do it. His style is not confrontational, he attempts to appeal to the good side of faculty to get them to do what they are expected to do as faculty. Also, Dr. Williams has published consistently while handling his administrative chores and also edited a journal. Thus, it is reasonable for him to ask others to contribute by doing their job.
I was very disappointed to note a post denigrating the College of Business faculty by calling them ****** . Just to set the record straight, almost all COBers voted no confidence when the Glamser Stringer issue occurred. I did not hear anyone talk about those crazy Liberal Arts faculty. In addition some of us provide monetarty support to help them in defending themselves.
Do we need a re-run of "FireShelby's House" about the nature of a private board? Some of us are forgetting that we are guests on this board, not co-owners. It's grossly unfair to put board administrators, whose only desire is to give you guys a safe place to talk to each other, at personal risk because people can't govern their speech themselves.
Of course, it's also grossly unfair to threaten or even "lean on" a moderator instead of defending oneself. I have had some pretty bad things said about me and the thought of suing anyone has never entered my mind.
Folks, keep it up and we won't have a board at all any more.
LVN wrote: Do we need a re-run of "FireShelby's House" about the nature of a private board? Some of us are forgetting that we are guests on this board, not co-owners. It's grossly unfair to put board administrators, whose only desire is to give you guys a safe place to talk to each other, at personal risk because people can't govern their speech themselves.
Of course, it's also grossly unfair to threaten or even "lean on" a moderator instead of defending oneself. I have had some pretty bad things said about me and the thought of suing anyone has never entered my mind.
Folks, keep it up and we won't have a board at all any more.
Bold is my touch. LVN, we will still have a board, it will just go back to registration only.
We are all adults, and professionals to boot; there is no need for name calling or slanderous comments. Lets keep this professional please and thank you.
Patti wrote: LVN wrote: Do we need a re-run of "FireShelby's House" about the nature of a private board? Some of us are forgetting that we are guests on this board, not co-owners. It's grossly unfair to put board administrators, whose only desire is to give you guys a safe place to talk to each other, at personal risk because people can't govern their speech themselves.Of course, it's also grossly unfair to threaten or even "lean on" a moderator instead of defending oneself. I have had some pretty bad things said about me and the thought of suing anyone has never entered my mind.Folks, keep it up and we won't have a board at all any more.Bold is my touch. LVN, we will still have a board, it will just go back to registration only.
We are all adults, and professionals to boot; there is no need for name calling or slanderous comments. Lets keep this professional please and thank you.
Based on the available data, I respectfully disagree.
BAD, I had to chuckle when I read your response. Allow me the priviledge to rephrase my comment.
We are supposedly all adults, be it an 18 year old or an 82 year old, and in our own minds professionals. I don't care if its a secretary, maintenance person or a professor, adjucnt professor or a grounds keeper, we think of ourselves as professionals.
I was glad to see the post by the webmaster or one of the moderators about how to post and what will happen if nasty posting continues. I especially liked the short version.
If things go badly in the COB over the next few months, it won't be hard to tell who dropped their end of the log. The administration will be new, while the faculty will be the same. Those who claim the problems originated with the college administration will now have the opportunity to display their virtue or their malevolence for all to see.
Not so fast there, Flash. If you read the AACSB report, you'll see that the visit team identified lack of faculty participation as a problem in the CoB. Rank and file CoB faculty were not asked for input. Input was solicited from a small portion of the faculty. This lack of input was a major problem. You cannot expect the faculty as a whole to correct a problem created by a small administrative team and a few hangers on.
If you read the documents from the AACSB, you'll see that there aren't just small issues, there are small and large issues. The issue of faculty research is one that cannot be fixed in only one year. Getting an appropriate percentage of faculty academically qualified will probably take 2 full years at the least. The real problem is that several of those who are not academically qualified have been rewarded under Doty, a fact that can be confirmed through public records such as the USM budget book.
Some of the issues can and will be fixed soon. I expect that Dr. Williams will be much more inclusive in his attempts to correct the problems that have cropped up. If Dr. Williams involves the entire faculty, then the outcome will be cathartic and productive.
Some of the issues can and will be fixed soon. I expect that Dr. Williams will be much more inclusive in his attempts to correct the problems that have cropped up. If Dr. Williams involves the entire faculty, then the outcome will be cathartic and productive.
This is a really positive statement. I know a number of excellent folks over in CoB. I hope that the faculty can find a way to unite with Dr. Williams and address its future in a positive and progressive way. I wish only the best for my colleagues in the college of business.
Yellow Dog
What was said in the COB meeting with Grimes yesterday?
I was a student of Dr. Williams 25 years ago when he first arrived to COB. He is a true professional. I made one of the lowest grades in my COB coursework (C)under him, and he was one of the best professors I had. I am very pleased he is serving in leadership role.
Alvin Williams has provided excellent leadership for his department. He is not vindictive to those who disagreed with him nor does he try to buy support by rewarding unproductive people. Another signal of his leadership is that secretaries who report to him have the utmost respect and admiration for him. Unfortunately, these stellar characteristics are not evident in the chair I report to nor, the chair that ******** reports to. ******* was given a zero in his research evaluation when he had one journal acceptance and one revise and resubmit. His publication record is better than any of his colleagues, yet he has received the lowest raises in his department for years. The department has never supplied him with a computer or other support. The irony of it is that his colleagues in the department who have received substantial raises have not produced the quantity or quality of research that he has.Their lack of research productivity is the major reason COB is on accreditation probation by AACSB.
In my department, the chair has picked out those who are not yes men (or women) and given them 5 days a week teaching schedules and additional course loads. Recently, a junior faculty member, who is a productive publisher, has won a teaching award, and picked up an extra service load because we were short two faculty, was given a terminal contract. The action was taken because he fought the chair and dean when they tried to kill the Real Estate program, a program that has a great deal of industry support.
I point this out because Dean Williams will have to fix these problems, and those faculty and chairs who are not productive, but have been receiving generous raises, will fight him and try to prevent Dr. Williams from restoring equity. The recently ousted dean and some of the current chairs were not, and are not, interested in what is important for students, the college, or USM. Dean Williams is not a combative person by nature. He seldom has to be combative because he is a decent person and others usually respond to his decency in a positive way. To put COB on the road to recovery, Dr. Williams will have to do what he does not like to do, he will have to confront and forcibly deal with people who do not have Dr. Williams temperament nor his kind and generous nature. If he does not confront this issue, things will deteriorate even more and our chances to get off of AACSB probation will be slim and none.
Being a successful administrator requires that an administrator treats those who report to him/her such that they will give discretionary effort to their employer. That is, the employee will make an extra effort because they feel the need (responsibility) to do so. Otherwise, they will give the minimum and the organization is worse off. Most of us hope that Dr. Williams can be successful in his stint as acting dean and correct most of the ills so that the new President and new Dean can work on the positive aspects of their jobs and make COB and USM better.
Edited with sincere apologies to Cossack. A faculty member's attorney asked that we delete references to that member's name, whether the reference was good or bad. You may care to discuss the matter with said individual.
A little more info on the deletions. We will abide by the request for future posts, although messages are posted in real time, and we are not able to monitor the board everymoment, as stated in our board policy.
If you care about your board administrator, please remember this when you are posting and give us a break, ok?
I want to point out a couple of things about those who are attacking the faculty member whose name must not be mentioned.
First, they are entirely without substantive reasoning. No debate can occur with them, because they do not discuss issues. There is name-calling, race-baiting, and general snideness, but nowhere is there an actual issue being discussed. In short, there is general anger and resentment that an individual administrator is no longer an administrator.
Second, the faculty member who must not be named has his name all over his website, yet these (potentially) slandering guerrilas hide behind an anonymous message board, hurl their unfounded insults, and run for cover.
This is why the CoB is such a nasty place. Those who benefit from the status quo -- poor scholarship, cronyism, and backroom dealing -- cannot and do not want to have an open discussion about issues, primarily because there is no reasoning to support their positions other than preservation of self-interest. There is no reasoning along the lines of sound pedagogy, pure scholarship, or altruistic service that can support what the free-riding rent seekers want.
Now, do I have to go dig up all the old threads where the COB Faculty Member Who Must Not Be Named defamed, slandered, and threatened long-time board members here? Give me a friggin' break...he's no victim (other than of his own overblown ego).
PS--Race-baiting? Did he all of a sudden change races? I missed that one...
Now, do I have to go dig up all the old threads where the COB Faculty Member Who Must Not Be Named defamed, slandered, and threatened long-time board members here? Give me a friggin' break...he's no victim (other than of his own overblown ego).
PS--Race-baiting? Did he all of a sudden change races? I missed that one...
when did this become a Harry Potter discussion board?
A Harry Potter discussion board sounds like a wonderful idea, especially as USM is home to a famous children's literature conference each year, as well as being home to the de Grummond collection. It would be a refreshing change of pace.