Permit me to take a moment to put out some good news for a change
An article published in the Division 16 (School Psychology) newsletter, The School Psychologist (Winter, 2007) ranks USM's School Psychology Faculty 9th nationally for publications!!
Below are the top 10 ranked by median Dan Tingstrom said earlier today, I'd say we are in pretty fair company:
1. U. of Connecticut 2. U. of Calif., Santa Barbara 3. U. of Minnesota 4. LSU 5. U. of Tennessee 6. Lehigh U. 7. Georgia State U. 8. U. of Nebraska, Lincoln 9. Ball State U. 9. U. of South Carolina 9. U. of Southern Mississippi
So please help me in congratulating my insufficiently engaged school psych colleagues Dan Tingstrom, Joe Olmi, & Brad Dufrene; our former colleagues who encompass the time span of the article count (2000-2005), Ron Edwards, Susan Wilczynski, & Ted Christ; and our current and former students who contributed to our program's success.
It's good to know that we'll be going a new direction for a few months. Plus, I'm sure that the new dean will recommend appropriate raises for deserving faculty in the college. /sarcasm off.