It may look like a muddy construction site now, but University of Southern Mississippi officials see the region's economic future at the intersection of Classic Drive and Golf Course Road....
...More than four dozen companies already have expressed interest in being part of the new commercialization park - which doesn't surprise Southern Miss President Shelby Thames, who's seen the polymer science and engineering program he started decades ago blossom into an international powerhouse in a hot niche field....
...The new park, Thames said, will tempt companies with ideas to bring them to fruition in Hattiesburg.
"It will be a remarkable thing for this area," Thames said. "It will tell the world that this world-class institution has the facilities to transform innovative ideas into commercial products."
It's obvious that this thing is being done for da President's personal enrichment, but d*mn: "four dozen companies" - I didn't know that shelboo had founded that many companies or had that many friends?
I hope the students, faculty, and staff who lost their low cost golf course are aware of the contribution they have made to the greater glory of the university and the bank accounts of selected individuals.