...Spread throughout the city in 2007 will be at least 30 of the 5-foot high artistic swans that will decorate either area businesses or public spaces....
...Angie Godwin, president of the ADP, called the graceful bird the perfect metaphor for the greater Hattiesburg area's efforts to improve itself, due mostly to its underwater activity that most people cannot see. It is behind the scenes in Hattiesburg where much of the work gets done, she said....
...Several council members, including Deborah Denard Delgado, Dave Ware and Kim Bradley, said Monday they will not likely support the item to purchase a $2,500 swan, which is part of the Area Development Partnership’s yearlong Festival of Swans....
I suspect that this proposal will receive quite a bit of resistance simply because Godwin is behind it.
FWIW, many, many cities (large and small) have participated in similar programs -- I've seen statues of horses, lions, frogs, fish, bears, and other animals used to the same end.
My only problem is that we're following the standard playbook with this move. Unfortunately, many of our local creative types have unplugged and are even more unwilling to participate in city activities than before Thames took office.