1. Never trust anyone who is not mobile - This is why they become administrators; if they could do research, they'd be doin' it. The good ones will actually do their jobs---as for Doty, this means raising money, hiring and retaining quality faculty. Well you do the math.
2. Never hire people who are too competent--it only makes you look worse. And besides, when it's raise time, it's easier to get a raise. Isn't this how it works boys?
3. Screw them and make them like it if they don't screw them harder this is the al Sadr principle Khoemeini and Hussein applied the same principles Anyone see a geographic anology on campus-you know what I mean boys. Keep it up fellows til the last dog is gone.
Originally posted by: Caught in the Middle "1. Never trust anyone who is not mobile - This is why they become administrators;
2. Never hire people who are too competent--it only makes you look worse. And besides, when it's raise time, it's easier to get a raise. Isn't this how it works boys?
O.K., I may be able to understand point one. In point 2 you are saying your newer colleagues are incompetent. I am glad you are not in my college.
You guys should see the latest letter out now about the legal situation in cbed. Doty won't be around too much longer if he continues on his current course. It is really an unbelievable read.
quote: Originally posted by: old timer "You guys should see the latest letter out now about the legal situation in cbed. Doty won't be around too much longer if he continues on his current course. It is really an unbelievable read."
From what I've seen so far, this whole incident reads like one professor with too much time on his hands. Don't really know what he's trying to accomplish, other than creating chaos for the sake of chaos. What's his point?
i've got to agree with tired old saw. i read the last e-mail and it's confusing at best because it assumes knowledge of people that i don't know. why Doty? is he merely the "dean de jour?" clearly dupree's grievances go back well past Doty. possibly back to Ty Black's deanship. then there's mention that he's only doing research to use for possibly publishable cases that he wants to use in a class (i probably have some of that wrong). again, research for a class or article? i'm confused. been a juror twice--love to see him try to present his case to a jury.
Here is it--sorry for the html language in it, i read it from home on webmail.
FYI--"<fontfamily>Quite honestly, I [Kate Jude] would never have gotten involved in this project but for the University’s stonewalling (the word that Mr. Gore did not like, but which seems to be terribly appropriate.) . . . [T]his siege mentality that Dr. Doty seems to have developed strongly suggests that someone has done something terribly wrong and he is trying to conceal it. There is no other reason to have University Counsel approve a routine decanal appeal decision. There is no other reason to play this shell game with public information."</fontfamily>
Jude & Jude, pllc attorneys at law <fontfamily>August 20, 2004 VIA FACSIMILE </fontfamily> <fontfamily> </fontfamily><fontfamily>Ian C. Jones, Esquire Adams and Reese LLP 111 Capitol Building, Suite 350 111 E. Capitol Street P.O. Box 24297 Jackson, MS 39225-4297
Re: Mississippi Open Records Act Request
Dear Ian:
On Wednesday, August 18, 2004, my office completed review of all documents that have been made available to Dr. DePree. On the same date, I sent an email to Mr. Morgan, Mr. Gore and you detailing the documents that have not been produced so far. Apparently, most of the remaining documents are located in the College of Business and Economic Development. I am making a formal request to the University of Southern Mississippi that it comply with the Mississippi Open Records Act request and provide the remaining documents that Mr. Gore and you agreed to provide.
1) CBED and SAIS information, except for limited personnel information concerning Dr. DePree that was provided this week.
2) Information included in Dr. DePree’s Open Records Act request that is located on PeopleSoft.
3) Evaluations from 1996-2002 are missing from Dr. DePree’s personnel folder.
4) Several apparently relevant binders were in the Dean's office.
a) One is for "BAC". There should be information about Dr. DePree’s membership in it. Please provide it.
b) CBED and CBA budgets for years 2003-2004, 2002-2003, 2001-2002, 2000-2001 should be made available for review.
c) "CBA Foundation Accounts" that pertain to the Jude-DePree Endowed Scholarship should be made available.
My understanding is that Mr. Morgan was working with Dr. Niroomand in an effort to have the CBED and SAIS information ready by Friday. As stated in his email of August 16, 2004,
Kate, </fontfamily> <fontfamily>I’m going to call the dean’s office and ask for a meeting at which time I will give them an internal deadline of Friday. I have a good relationship with Dr. Niroomand so we should be able to meet shortly and it shouldn’t take long for the departments to get their information.
Joe M
This afternoon, I received an email from Mr. Morgan which stated as follows:
Still trying…I met with Dr. Posey yesterday who told me that the dean had given each of the departments a list and told them to follow up with me. I asked Becky and Karen in my office to stay on it until they received the information.
Joe M
5) Folders removed from Purchasing files as indicated by "Out" markers.
In terms of the information on PeopleSoft, I believe that Mr. Morgan was to provide that. As I recall, the request seeks the information broken down by individuals for travel, monies paid on behalf of individuals for professional fees, organization dues, etc., (e.g. MSCPA, AAA dues, etc.), and computers and software provided to CBED.
It is my recollection that Mr. Morgan said except for current equipment, he would not be able to trace computers to individuals. However, based on the documents we have reviewed to date, there appear to be some computers and computer resources that are directly traceable to departments and/or individuals. Mr. Morgan was going to provide information as to who has what computers and software at the current time. Additionally, since it should be the most convenient for Mr. Morgan and most in keeping with our request, provide the information by year and semester. Since there are only a few years on PeopleSoft that should minimize the burden on Mr. Morgan and his staff.
We are waiting for the University to provide the remaining information or provide access to it. As you know, during our meeting on July 30, after an extended delay, the University finally agreed to provide the information or access to it. However, the University and the College seem unable or unwilling to provide records on a timely basis. Therefore, if it will expedite matters, I am again prepared to send staff to review and copy documents.
I am not surprised at the delay, since Dr. Doty apparently is concerned that academic vitae are not “public” and has asked Mr. Gore to advise him. As I am sure you are aware, Dr. Thames has already addressed this issue. I hate to be unkind about Dr. Doty, but he seems to be making a mountain out of the proverbial molehill. Now, Dr. Doty is asking Mr. Gore to review his report on a routine faculty evaluation appeal.
Dr. DePree is collecting various information as part of a research project from which he is developing publishable case studies. The first couple are substantially complete and Dr. DePree will be using them in his classes this fall. The information will also be part of Dr. DePree’s appeal to the Provost concerning his annual evaluations.
Quite honestly, I would never have gotten involved in this project but for the University’s stonewalling (the word that Mr. Gore did not like, but which seems to be terribly appropriate.) I realize that Dr. Doty is quite young and terribly inexperienced. It is my understanding that he had not even been promoted to or served as a full professor until he negotiated the promotion along with his employment as dean. However, this siege mentality that Dr. Doty seems to have developed strongly suggests that someone has done something terribly wrong and he is trying to conceal it. There is no other reason to have University Counsel approve a routine decanal appeal decision. There is no other reason to play this shell game with public information.
The ongoing pattern of stonewalling and retaliation will not quell dissent within the College and only seems to reinforce the notion that there is a “cover up.” Unfortunately, this is what I am starting to hear from other staff and faculty. If Dr. Doty takes a deep breath and gets past his obvious dislike for Dr. DePree, this whole matter will remain what it is – a research project and gathering information that Dr. DePree plans to include in an appeal of annual evaluations. I expect the information will establish a pattern of retaliation which has deprived him of pay raises received by faculty with less productive performance. I hope this is a matter to be solved within the University family. However, Dr. Doty’s has apparently told a number of people within the College and the Hattiesburg community that Dr. DePree and the University are either in, or soon to be in, an adversarial situation. In any event, may I have the rest of the documents by next week?
Sincerely yours,
Rebecca Kathryn Jude For the Firm RKJ/ cc: Dr. Chauncey M. DePree, Jr.
After reading this letter, I will reframe my initial assertion: a professor AND his lawyer wife with too much collective time on their hands. How much valuable university staff time in Purchasing, etc. is being taken up with providing information for these dubious claims? "Research project"--that's a good one.
Thank goodness I'm not in that college! Sounds like a nightmare.
i'm not in the college either and it is confusing to me. there was an article in the Chronicle of Higher Education that described Dupree's use of Open Records Laws as "weaponizing" those laws.
quote: Originally posted by: stinky cheese man "i'm not in the college either and it is confusing to me. there was an article in the Chronicle of Higher Education that described Dupree's use of Open Records Laws as "weaponizing" those laws. "
Do you have a link or know which issue of the Chronicle this was in? I have an online subscription. I'd love to know more.
off the top of my head i don't. there was an article about some presidential searches that got messy--maybe tennessee's. one letter from an applicant (maybe) used that expression. i thought it was an appropriate sense of how some folk look at using open records laws and FOIA requests. since you have an online subscription (like me) look for the articles that focused on the tn presidential search.
quote: Originally posted by: stinky cheese man "off the top of my head i don't. there was an article about some presidential searches that got messy--maybe tennessee's. one letter from an applicant (maybe) used that expression. i thought it was an appropriate sense of how some folk look at using open records laws and FOIA requests. since you have an online subscription (like me) look for the articles that focused on the tn presidential search."
quote: Originally posted by: tired old saw "Thanks for the tip...I'll see what I can find."
It's from an article by Hearn and MClendon regarding the wisdom of "sunshine laws" in presidential searches in The Chronicle Review from July 9, 2004.
I believe that the passage Stinky Cheese Man was referring to is:
"The "weaponization" of sunshine laws worries many higher-education leaders. "Weaponizing" -- the excessive use of sunshine laws by disaffected parties -- typically occurs when a lone citizen aims to bog down an institution in myriad and costly records requests. It also can include the use of the laws by commercial interests seeking a proprietary advantage over competitors or by litigants attempting to circumvent legal rules of discovery."
Can't imagine why anyone would choose not to co-author with this guy or would seek legal counsel prior to any and all interactions with him. I've heard that, having learned the hard way from past dealings, most people preface any conversation with him with "Is this being taped?" Actually, that's not true, I've heard that most people simply avoid him. Word circulating through the legal community is that his very well-respected and expensive criminal attorney in the last public scandal up and quit on him because he refused to follow the lawyer's advice (advice that expressly told him not to begin the widespread letter writing campaign to the citizens of Hattiesburg). Maybe his wife will have more luck reining him in. Wait a minute, she seems to simply repeat his board postings in legal documents.
Go ahead and play it out on the board because 12 reasonable people would laugh this one right out of court. I come down on the side of Stinky Cheese Man and Tired Old Saw on this one. Don't we have serious issues to discuss that transcend the mad ravings of one individual with a relentless agenda?
quote: Originally posted by: Chronicler " I've heard that, having learned the hard way from past dealings, most people preface any conversation with him with "Is this being taped?""
A rumor I have heard: Shelboo has been taping people for years.